Rate my Randimar's Rarities

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Will-, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    My assortment is quite poor. The only Legendary is Garalem's Boots, which I will probably buy. Notable epics are:

    Cohr's Black Scepter. Two moving cards are good, especially if the third card isn't crappy. May be very good on maps with the narrow passages I guess, as Stone Spikes can block them.
    Staff Of Soot. Does Firestorm like Smoke Bomb? I guess it does, if the enemy has wizards too.
    Staff Of The Fire God. As long as I don't have the time to farm, I guess it would be better to pay 50 pizza for a starter than 100 pizza for the single staff :) Plus, I have two already.
    Weighty Wand. I'm skeptical about this. My supporting Firestorm wizard uses both SPR and Dissolve Armor, but there are items with all 3 armor-melting cards, and he doesn't need Stone Spikes.
    Yaro's Scepter. Gonna buy it for a low-level firestorming.

    I've got Emberfloat Mantle this week, which is good as I don't have a second Firehide Robes...
  2. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    This week I have junk except for Amulet Of Blades. Since I have practically nothing else with Path of Knives, and I love that card, I think I'll buy it.

    Angry Jack's Helmet is great on my warriors, especially non-dwarves. Blind Rage not only cranks up your damage output, but it helps you draw more attacks, and having Walk Team is much more useful than just Hardy Mail.

    Honestly I kind of want Bynzer's Weighted Club. It has 4 Barge on it- 4! Just imagine a priest dual-wielding these... XD
    Barge is rather unappreciated on a warrior since typically they are more focused on running around and killing people.
    However, Barge is actually a very useful card, albeit it costs too much.
    Last edited: May 25, 2014
  3. Belenus

    Belenus Kobold

    So randimer came to me with some interesting epic's and a legendary.

    Anyways, I'm thinking of making a bashing warrior, and I'm not sure of the overall quality of these items, or if the investment would even be worth it.

    Perfect Stoutness.(I just don't have the money for it right now)
    Eixocls Hammer For a bashing warrior.
    Araco's Boots Also for a bashing warrior
    Flax's Thirsty Vial I eventually want to make a vamp priest team, just not now.
  4. Questor

    Questor Ogre

    None if you are short on gold. Bashing builds are niche which is more for fun than for efficiency, same goes for duck.
    The vial might be interesting but if you plan to make a priest team and donĀ“t have enough Shuddering Relic.
  5. Belenus

    Belenus Kobold

    I ran a bashing build in beta, and it was ALOT of fun, that's why I'm thinking of remaking it.
  6. MysticQuail

    MysticQuail Kobold

    4 (!) legendary items this week.

    Bloodchopper - I'm not too excited about chops, Id use it in SP for sure but don't think id pay for it
    Garalem's Boots - meh
    Granwick's Shield - Again twisting shield seems better
    St. Portia's Maul - Looks interesting for vamp priest - tempted by this...

    Of epics there are

    Raxcotl's Hammer - Don't have anything with feinting strikes yet, but not sure if this is worth it...
    Untouchable Plate - I'm thinking this would be great for a FS team, but bad in most other priest setups.
    Whiteglow Flail - Looks awesome.

    Right now I have just 3k gold so the legendary items really need some talking up before I'll buy one ^^
  7. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra

    You can get a Whiteglow in the new starter pack. Otherwise I'll would buy the two Divine Weapons, those are very good.
  8. Krodis

    Krodis Mushroom Warrior

    Yeah, you got the priest item hook up this week, St. Portia's Maul seems fantastic
  9. Jacques

    Jacques Hydra

    Why don't I get items like these? It's a pity that you only have 3k. Let's see:

    Bloodchopper is a great weapon, very useful for some sp quests and maybe for future leagues. It's even usable in mp.
    Garlem's Boots are awesome. Anything with 2 Flanking Moves is great, specially for a wizard. Useful for sp and mp.
    Granwick's Shield, as most legendary shields, is not worth it.
    St. Portia's Maul seems great. It's difficult to find divine weapons with 6 attacks, and this one is tokenless!

    The epics are quite good too:
    Whiteglow Flail is one of the best divine weapons.
    Untouchable Plate is good for some builds, specially if you don't have the superior version, Bern's Untouchable Mail.
    Raxcotl's Hammer seems also good for a 2 blue token weapon, but with all the great items you have in Randimar's I would pass on this one.

    If you don't want to farm, I would go with Bloodchopper or St. Portia's Maul, and Whiteglow Flail, because you can get Red Jon's Boots from the campign as a guaranteed epic item, and it's pretty similar to Garalem's Boots. But I definitely suggest you to farm more gold to buy at least one more legendary, if you have the time.
  10. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    I'm sorry, but you're wrong about the boots. The only boots you get (and from a treasure hunt, not from the free campaign!) are Lizard Hide Boots. I should know as I only just got my first pair of Red Jon's as a random drop after having played almost every day since September, 2013. You can see this also from
    which e.g. lists all the guaranteed loot items. Adventures.csv is a data file from the game containing lots of vital information about the adventures.

    You can get Whiteglow Flail whenever you want for 50 Pizza as part of the "Tezkal Elves" MP starter set (which also has some other excellent items). Don't spend 500 gold on it, but buy the starter set (I recommend getting three of the set). The Flail is an essential priest item, don't leave your keep without it.
    Last edited: May 25, 2014
  11. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    While we are pointing out things that are wrong, Untouchable Plate is 2X Arrogant Armor divine armor (the best IMO) while Bern's Untouchable Plate is Heavy Armor (which has 3X Arrogant Armor).
    I also want to point out that there are 4 different Epic Divine Armors with 2X Arrogant Armor, along with a legendary or two. My point is, if you don't have the 500g and aren't going to use it right away, don't buy it! You will get something functionally equivalent eventually- I for certain have more than I could ever use.

    If you have Bern's plate/Impervious PanoplyX2 and Untouchable Plate/ , you could run 2 arrogant warriors and an arrogant priest. Although, that priest would be relying on things like Entangling Roots and Healing instead of Frenzy/Nimbus/Martyr, I don't see Arrogant builds often. Certainly, St. Portia's Maul would be awesome for that build.

    @MysticQuail, so here is my final input:

    Bloodchopper- Really cool item and not replaceable, but if you can't afford to buy it don't, and if you can afford it you can't afford not to use it... but basically besides being cool, you can probably make do with Bejewelled Shortsword.

    Granwick's Shield- utter waste of 2500g, try Twisting Shield.
    Garalem's Boots- really nice but wait for Mouse Boots or Red Jon's Boots to drop if you aren't burning cash
    St. Portia's Maul- A really great tokenless priest weapon, it's a very nice legendary to have, probably worth buying and not replaceable with any commons that I know of.
    If you don't have Dark Drewg's Mace or love your St. Alipp's Hammer/Cudgel Of Wrath/Club Of Wrath, you should buy it.

    Raxcotl's Hammer- A nice weapon, but I think Itotia Blade is worth considering instead, along with several other epic items with Feinting Strike/Unnerving Strike. Like Untouchable Plate, there are other comparable items out there just waiting to drop, so don't spend if you don't want to.

    Also, sorry Jarmo but I do not recommend buying 3 of the Tezkal elves starter set unless you are dead set on running two priests with Whiteglow???
    Certainly 1, maybe 2, if you have pizza to spend then why not. I already had enough Staff Of The Fire God and Whiteglow Flail s drop that it just wasn't worth buying it for me. I can't see myself using more than 2/3 Whiteglow Flail, or 3 Staff of the Fire God, EVER, unless it was for some ridiculous build, and I don't see triple whiteglow priest running around despite how accessable Whiteglow is.

    So here's an interesting item for me: Bloody Stoutness. It's kind of fun with Duck, it has my favorite card Blind Rage on it, and Bloodied Block is a pretty great card too. Having Duck +Blind Rage makes this unique.

    Also for my consideration: Greyworm Mace #3, Clever Mobility, Penteth's Orb, Dorimer's Boots, St. Forgue's Sword,Trainee Command.
    Will probably buy Trainee Command, because it's awesome, and Dorimer's Boots.
    Mostly I am asking about the Penteth's Orb, Clever Mobility and St. Forgue's Sword.
    Last edited: May 25, 2014
  12. Jacques

    Jacques Hydra

    Really? I didn't remember really, I just assumed it because that must have been one of my first epic item... I wouldn't recommend buying the boots anyway if you have other great legendaries like MysticQuail has in Randis.
    As for the Whiteglow Flail, I will always suggest buying them with gold instead of pizza. Pizza= real money, so if he has it in Randimar's why wouldn't he buy it from there?
  13. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Yeah, buy the Whiteglow if you can afford it. But it's always there in the future if you don't...

    For the record, I have two The Lunginator and I have used them to win Death March like three times.
  14. kogi

    kogi Ogre

  15. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    I recommended three mostly for the Twisting Shields, not the Whiteglow Flails. If you have them already then you can get less. It's the best shield for many, many purposes.

    Jacques, as the gold to Pizza ratio is ostensibly 5:1 then 50 Pizza = 150 gold and 150 gold for the items in the starter pack is such a ridiculous deal I say go for it. Much better than 500 gold for just a single item :).
  16. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Do you ever play more than one warrior? If you do, then get the axe. It might be a long time before you get another chance. The added mobility is essential for almost anything you do with the warriors. If you have one or more Vibrant Pains, then the axe might not be necessary. I'd probably still get it even then :).
  17. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    This is a very flawed assumption IMHO. There are *hundreds* of epics in the game, and he may never get his next double-Arrogant armor. Plus, they are not equal: the Holy Armor versions are much better (at least for Firestorming). I use one for my Firestorm priest, and it's awesome! So, I recommend to pay 500 gold for it immediately.

    I've played that, and it wasn't very bad. My support included Purging Bursts, Inspiring Presence and healing, and, I must admit that it wasn't much worse than Frenzy/Nimbus/Martyr support. Purging all attachments from two enemies was just hilarious, especially Nimbus :) What to play is actually a metagame choice: when everyone will play encumber and fire, I will play the Arrogant party :) Anyway, it's very nice to have the option!

    And if you are burning cash (like me), buy them.

    I'd say this should be bought by any means, since the clerics often lack attacks; having a tokenless item with all 6 attacks is fantastic.

    Buy it! Most skills don't have two good blocks.

    Trainee Command is really the best, but not Dorimer's Boots. I would never spend a yellow token on that. Just think: you could equip Wlakwa's Boots or Sliding Boots instead! Penteth's Orb should be bought, it's a very good Firestorm item. Clever Mobility is nice, especially if you like Flanking Move (and I guess you do).
    Last edited: May 26, 2014
  18. Jacques

    Jacques Hydra

    You can farm gold for free, you have to pay real money for pizza. I would suggest using pizza to buy things you can't with gold, like the club's membership or figurines, and use gold to buy items in shops like Randimar's and pay for the gold leagues. Also, spending 150 pizza mostly for getting 3 twisting shields? An uncommon item you can buy for 25 gold at shops and that can be easily obtained in any chest? Really? Even if you have zero twisting shields that's a bad deal, no matter how good they are, because they are so easy to find without the need to spend pizza. Just my opinion though.
  19. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Depends on your build and tolerance of farming or waiting. For me, it was an essential purchase because the shields went into use immediately and raised the quality of my build quite a bit at a time when no one had them yet. For me it was worth it to not have to wait for them. I've since gotten plenty of them in random drops. Also, I'd rather have spent the little Pizza than farm for them for hours. I've done enough farming to not want do it much any more if there isn't a compelling reason to. My free time is worth a lot more to me than a few Pizza.

    My recommendation to get three Tezkal Elves starter packs was also based on the total package and its extraordinarily low price. There are too many good items in it to list here and they can be had and used immediately with a little bit of Pizza expenditure. I get it not all wish to do so but I feel it's one of the best uses for Pizza. You're right that for the shields alone the price is high for their relatively easy availability.
  20. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    I have two from the random drops, but use only one for now.
    The skill is very good, but somewhat unfocused. If you want just movement, you may prefer Perfect Command, but Bloody Command saves you a yellow token and offers a great block. It should be preferred if you need a combat human, not just a supporter. I would buy even the third copy - to create a full team of bloody humans :)
    I have to add that Sprint, Team! is very powerful and rare; there are only 3 skills with it (helmets are available only to the warriors, and the warriors want the move much more than the others).
    Last edited: May 26, 2014

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