The Loot Fairy finally came through for me! UREL(E) - Legendary was Evasion, which will be put to use immediately.
I don't envy you your imagination. Maybe that is Gary's mom. It would explain a lot about Melvin. 1. UURR(R) 2. UURE(R) Ettin's Club
Updated OP & Loot Fairy Tracker webpage with new art. Changed some wording, also. (Hard to say the Loot Fairy was introduced in the 'latest' update!)
If anyone was wondering why Raid on Ommlet kept flashing up and then going back to being confirmed absent, it's because I was testing some new functionality... IP logging! whee. I'll lock abusers' IPs out of the tracker page. And I just reset all the adventures (but reconfirmed for Melvelous) because I was testing something else.
Another change — I finally made the Sorcererers' site something slightly more malleable, gave it a CMS backend, and now the Loot Fairy site is pulling news items from We have an RSS feed now for announcements
Dave smartly pointed out in chat that there's no rush in getting the fairy twice even today. Just don't log out before you complete the fairy adventure once as the adventures don't reset until you log out and in again. Of course this requires that the fairy adventure isn't locked for you already.
At Melvelous; U R R R (R), still no signs of Epic or better, 3 treasures. On a side note, may I say that the Fairy picture (please don't get angry with me, dear) is unsettling to say the least?