New League Details

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Jon, May 6, 2014.

  1. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    gmillie, Flaxative, Stexe and 2 others like this.
  2. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra

    Can't find intel about tripe duel

    Seems like all new leagues have the same fee and prize structure:
    -50 pizza slices to enter
    1st: 50 pizza + epic AotA chest + figure
    2nd: 50 pizza + epic AotA chest
    3rd: 25 pizza + epic AotA chest
    4th: epic AotA chest
    5th: Magnificent AotA chests

    So basicly to me seems like it's just a discount over AotA chests and those who badly want those dark elves figures will have to fight hard and pay the price. Not sure if I will enter any.
  3. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    The chest (and figure) are free if you can get 1st or 2nd place so it's not just a discount for 40% of the league players.
  4. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra

    Even if I could make over 1100 pizza slices with the free leagues, I didn't have the same win rate as other top players. Plus I don't think it will be as easy as it used to be when it was free. Also normal epic chests would have been more appealing to me (in the last times I ended only getting the same epics over and over in the chests). Finally time is money.
  5. Lord Feleran

    Lord Feleran Guild Leader

    Agreed, I would like to get regular epic chests instead, too.
  6. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Sure, your costs will be affected by your win rate (and luck with podmates).

    As for "time is money", if one is going to be playing Card Hunter multiplayer anyway, it's more efficient to play in 10 min time limit leagues than in 20 min matchmaking. One gets the same chests from the MP chest track regardless.
  7. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Squidy likes this.
  8. Lord Feleran

    Lord Feleran Guild Leader

    Triple duel seems to be a very likely win to whoever goes first. Would be better with 2 players in both sides.
  9. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    Having new AotA Epic Chests is good for the next month or so, but after that I think basic (anything goes) chests will be better.

    I'll be entering to win the figures, but I did earn 873 pizza from the free Leagues specifically to spend on future Leagues. Dropped $20 on the expansion and now I have 1263 pizza after getting the new content and a single Epic chest.

    Also, the pricing seems a bit off. It would be nice for first place to be able to gain pizza over the entry cost. Even if it is only like 10 pizza, if someone places first place constantly they should be able to get a bit more in my opinion. This wasn't a problem when having the same figure gave pizza, but with getting a chest it seems off. Maybe increase the winnings of first place to 60 pizza?

    Looking forward to checking them out. I would like to see some "bring your own character" Leagues that are more than just about weird movement rules. Maybe some way to implement weird card or character rules (all Priest teams?) and maybe some other things like Team-only Victory Point spots (a spot only the enemy team can get VPs for being on).
    Last edited: May 6, 2014
  10. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra

    Flanking Move for the win. And even with 2 characters on each side, that won't bother the one who goes first and start with Team Run. Bashes can be good, so can Immovable. One other good start can be Flanking Move + Wall Of Stone that kinda guarantee a secured victory square for two turns unless, and there will be gamblers for sure, WW is played (or if the wizz is in the middle part).
    Step attacks are as good as always and I am afraid that brute force will prevalue over the ones who will try to play smartly by trying to get the victory squares

    Imho it would be nicer if players get a coupon as a prize and this coupon can be exchanged for the epic chest of the player's choice.

    Otherwise still crushing the numbers in my head. Prizes structure is very smart. Even if I kinda would have prefered too if a good player could earn pizza instead of being refunded but that would have maybe been too much for the first.

    Edit: forgot to ask something I am curious about. Who will play the same league again once they will have win the figure?
    Last edited: May 6, 2014
  11. Lord Feleran

    Lord Feleran Guild Leader

    Who will play the same league again once they will have win the figure?

    Me. I value figures as 0 gold. So for me the prices for leagues rise after I have the figure already.
    Last edited: May 6, 2014
  12. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Anyone who finds the league fun and can afford the price.
  13. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    *Gasp* You stole my custom map idea for astral tourney!

    Looks fun and interesting will definitely try to get the pimped out dwarf wizard if nothing else.
  14. SystemIsDown

    SystemIsDown Mushroom Warrior

    Will leagues be pizza entry only? What about using gold for the entry fee?
  15. neoncat

    neoncat Feline Outline


    Monkey Magic - monkeys should steal from your own beech tree, then swarm the center
    Golden Shrine - firestorm or whirl + SPR / counterspell seem easy; reaching and holding the victory square seems impossible
    Astral Tourney - seems like the most interesting league; the mote's armor is going to be crucial
    Triple Duel - whirls are risky, but if you get lucky and whirl all three into one compartment, you can sacrifice one character in exchange for 4 victory points; Greenguard Boots will let you team up, if you get lucky; the most consistent strategy will probably be toughness + SPR + blocks
    Flaxative likes this.
  16. neoncat

    neoncat Feline Outline

    League Figure Prizes:
    Monkey Magic -[​IMG] Triple Duel - [​IMG]
    Astral Tourney - [​IMG] Golden Shrine - [​IMG]
    Flaxative likes this.
  17. gmillie

    gmillie Kobold

    I have to agree with stexe here, I think it would be extremely motivating if the 1st place got like 75 pizza. Players would probably play more leagues if there was the chance for a little pizza gain. Having only the chance to get back your entry fee, may damper the participation. Don't get me wrong I absolutely love the league's and will probably play regardless but just think a 75,50,25 progression would be widely appreciated and contribute to the value of the league play:) shouldn't cause unwanted pizza flooding since people well eventually lose a league. Simply put, I would buy pizza to pay the entry fee if I knew my investment could grow a little:)
    Lord Feleran likes this.
  18. the_rion

    the_rion Kobold

    too cheap prizes or too expensive participation.
  19. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    75/50/25 progression seems a bit high considering you also get chests and figures. Hopefully we'll see Leagues that are also Gold in cost and free in cost (although free should be very rare, just to get people to try it out). Maybe free Leagues but with significantly less prizes, same with Gold cost Leagues that have less prizes than pizza ones?

    Another option would be to offer "League tickets" that allow you to enter another League for free. Having first place get a "League ticket" be interesting.
    Neofalcon likes this.
  20. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    There is something intuitively motivating about thinking to oneself "If I do really good, I could win more pizza and play in even more leagues!" There's no fear of flooding the system with pizza because the pod system insures that 250 pizza will be spent across the pod-mates for entry fees, therefore any prize structure with <250 pizza per a pod is a net loss of pizza for the community (net profit for BM). Thus a 75/50/25 nets BM 100 pizza but gives everyone a feeling of a shot to win 25 pizza over and above whatever else they get.

    I actually had anticipated something like a 25 pizza entry fee with a 50/25/0/0/0 prize structure like we had in the opening week (net 50 pizza for BM from each pod). It would be a smaller profit margin for BM, but I think they might make more due to volume with a lower entry fee like that. Regardless I'm sure they'll play around with it tweaking here and there to see what works best.

    Gold cost leagues were in the original announcement so I would expect them at some point (whether as separate leagues or as an alternate entry fee remains to be seen).
    gmillie and Stexe like this.

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