Rate my Randimar's Rarities

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Will-, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    If you play the weak attack first you are doing it wrong. Startling strike, sure. But Unnerving strike should be played First since it is Hard to Block 2 and even against Parry it has a 50% (!) chance of getting through-and then discarding that block card. There may be a situation where it is worth playing a Bludgeon or something first when you know that you have a very high chance of removing a block; even still, Hard to Block attacks have a ton of value being played first especially against multiple blocks.

    When it comes to Arrogant Armor, there are situations where you have: 1 Armor card, 2 Armor cards, and (rarely/not helpful) 3 Armor Cards. The difference between Bern's and Emperor's is one Arrogant Armor. Seeing as you only need 1 Arrogant to become immune, you only have to count the situations where you have only Solid Mail, not Solid Mail + Arrogant. Mathmatically, and highly dependant on your Traits and other draw effects, you can round it out around 25%.
    As mentioned, the more Arrogant Armor the merrier. My opinion, buy it if you can, still stands. You can't wait around for VP forever.

    Bloody Bracelet is a sweet item, I would take that. What can I say, I love Path of Knives.

    As for the Tenderizer, it was a very nice weapon to have in SP. I used it extensively throughout the mid-late campaign since it does consistent medium damage, and it can destroy armor. I think I would find a slot for it on one of my warriors if I still had it. Now, in theory, The Strongarm would be a better weapon; however every time I run into Toughness (often), Reliable Mail (often), and now Enchanted Harness+Barbed Platemail, I wish I could fit Shredding/Sundering Strike into my deck somehow.
  2. Oberon

    Oberon Hydra

    Yeah I agree with Jade303. Unnerving strike is designed to be played first, in order to draw out a block, cause it to fail and have it discarded. If it succeeds against something like parry that would be great. That is where I'm having problems valuing the card. Often in MP, your first attack is a step move, which means your step attack would pull their block, at that point unnerving strike is only useful for a follow up block. It's probably better as your first defensive strike where it has a higher chance of triggering, but I'm still up in the air on this card.
  3. Lord Feleran

    Lord Feleran Guild Leader

    You can step-attack from behind, too ;)
  4. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    The Tenderizer has no step attacks, but this may be compensated by the other items. Three Shredding Strikes are hard to compensate though, as the armor is becoming increasingly popular nowadays. So if you have the gold, why not?
    Randimar hates me much stronger than you :) I am buying everything that could possibly be played, but this week I have only complete crap - both legendary and epic.

    That's exactly my point of view. Weapons aren't all, even for the warriors. If you can save one token on the weapons, you can afford Savvy Attacker which can compensate for the lack of step attacks. Another token to upgrade the boots - and you will have more great moves.
    Jacques likes this.
  5. Ector

    Ector Hydra

  6. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    OK, you're right there. But still, the weak attacks compete with Unnerving Strikes as block removers. Having 6 block removers is OK, but all the rest attacks should be heavy hitting or step attacks.

    Actually you need at least one Arrogant Armor of 36 cards. I have a degree in math, so I can calculate the difference between chances of getting one of 2 copies and one of 3 copies, but it's obvious enough that it will be significant. If you're playing Arrogant, you want it on turn 1-2, as you're sacrificing all the buffs to the attachment immunity. The ideal party is two warriors with Bern's Untouchable Mails and one control wizard packed with Cones of Cold. Your Cones don't affect your chars at all! Also, you auto-win versus Firestorm opponent unless they manage to discard your armor - and you will want extra copies then. Finally, if you can rely on having Arrogant Armor, you can play items with negative attachments like Squeamish safely.
    I have one Bern's Untouchable and Impervious Panoply. Still, I would buy a second Bern's immediately if I could. Yes, it's that important, since I need to rely on having Arrogant before even building the party.
    Last edited: May 5, 2014
  7. Randimar has been unkind to me lately (2 legendaries total across the last 5 weeks, and this week it's Glasod's Dark Thighbone. Saddened by my own Random Arse Rarities, I have come to live vicariously through you all and to hold forth as though I am some kind of expert on cards.

    Hell yeah! I scoop up good Wall of Stone items because that card can be pretty amazing on the right maps. I don't think it is great in multiplayer at this time, but who knows what may come?

    I dunno, good single blue token items are few and far between. However, I like the Maquah of Ancient Blood better (see below).

    It does seem cool, maybe for MP. I have one and have never played it. The last two cards on it are too stinky for me.

    And now Randimar is trying to trick you. That item is merely okay for a yellow and blue token's cost. Shredding Strike has been improved, and while the total damage is decent, you know you will never play it. Save your gold for leagues.

    Arrogant Armor is nice, but there are too many good attachments you must forfeit to play it, which makes this item easy to pass on (even though it is kind of awesome).

    I always buy SPR items.

    I am pretty sure this is misnamed. Should be called "Grey Poop." Unplayable cards, even the Soothing Darkness.

    I like this thing. There aren't many single blue token weapons that are good. The ouch isn't too bad.
  8. Igniferroque

    Igniferroque Mushroom Warrior

  9. Jacques

    Jacques Hydra

    Those are both amazing items! Do you have them on Randimar's? I would purchase both of them without hesitating.
  10. Igniferroque

    Igniferroque Mushroom Warrior

    Can you walk me through your logic? Not that I question it but so I can better evaluate them. I'm three weeks into the game so I don't have many level 15+ items. Going into the level 17 adventures, I was still using level 6 - 15 epics and legendaries.

    With the Reaper's Scythe, only three of the six cards are attack cards. Although, looking closely, I just noticed one of those three attack cards is for 17 crushing. Is that the key selling point?

    Searing Pain has three Fireballs which I don't have any. However, my concern about it is primarily that it isn't a level 18 Legendary and that in a short amount of time it will be obsolete. I'm not sure whether or not that's a legitimate concern but the facts I have doubts make me wonder whether it is worth $13 (=~2500 gold).

    As a point of comparison, the third Legendary that was available - Bloodchopper - I bought without hesitation.
  11. neoncat

    neoncat Feline Outline

    Fireball is awesome. BUT, probably neither are worth converting real money to gp. (It's good to keep lots of gp in reserve, but you'll have to begin farming to make that happen.)
  12. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    Part of it depends on if you prefer SP or MP. But here's a brief "why" for both. The Reaper has 3 really great attack cards, this part's obvious. But why it's particularly good is the other three cards are extremely strong as well. Now while blind rage is technically a drawback card, it gives you +damage every time you swing so most people like it when blind rage shows up. And dodge, well if you learn how to play dodge well (it's not a block) you can do a LOT with it. In MP I hate seeing an opponent draw dodge because I then have to deal with it for the rest of the game (it's kept unlike blocks). That said, the biggest drawback to the item is that it only has 3 attacks as you mentioned. However, paired with the right other items it's really quite strong.

    Searing Pain: There are only 2 items (I believe) available with fireball at the moment and this is the only one with three of them. The advantage with fireball is it has burst two which means you can hit everything in a 5x5 square! Your opponent thinks their safely around a corner, think again! Throw on some fire boosting cards and it's pretty strong.

    Anyway, those are just some brief thoughts, ultimately you have to decide if they're right for you. If you're never going to equip them, then don't buy them.
  13. Jacques

    Jacques Hydra

    Why do you think that all weapons need to have 6 attacks? I have seen some high elo players using the Reaper's Scythe, because it has 3 great attacks, plus two useful Dodge ans one very useful trait. Of course that you will have to add many step attacks with the other 2 weapons, but one Obliterating Bludgeon and 2 Obliterating Chops with no drawbacks at all is very good. I think it's better than the Bloodchopper, because the scythe also has some movility with those 2 Dodge. Bloodchopper has no movility at all and one negative trait.

    As for Searing Pain, it's an awesome item for farming, not only because the 3 great Fireball, but the other 3 cards are very useful as well.
  14. I have a rule that I will not play weapons that do not have 6 attacks on them, but I break that rule if the equipment is exceptional (Lochaber Axe comes to mind). Reaper's Scythe is one that I had a hard time making an exception for. On the plus side, it has all good cards on it. No weak strikes, no unreliable blocks, nothing you will be sad to see in your hand. The downside, obviously is that you are cutting down on the number of attacks in your deck. The Blind Rage at least draws you another card, but it will still be less likely to be an attack. Dodge is a great card (that is useless if you are encumbered), and it can really save your buns, perhaps until you draw some attacks.

    I have a Reaper's Scythe equipped to my Dwarven Warrior and have managed to reach the #3 rank while doing so, so it can't be all that bad. The trick is that you wait until you are ready to make a move, and you don't go in with no attacks. You can have a frustrating turn, but the Obliterating Chops are not that hard to set up to hit two enemies, and that Obliterating Bludgeon, if you can ensure that it will not be blocked, is game-breaking. That all being said, you want to make sure your other weapons are chock full of red cards, and you need to make sure you are offsetting the smaller number of attacks by including traits elsewhere in your build (Goat Boots, Crusty Helm, Perilous Ringmail, Apprentice Ferocity are all staples). I still sometimes question whether this weapon belongs on my warrior, but it fits into the build I have (slow dwarf without Vibrant Pain and only one Lochaber needs the Dodge to hop around a little in addition to Hard To Pin Down).

    Regardless of whether the weapon fits into your build, I'd scoop it up because it really is one of a kind.
  15. Igniferroque

    Igniferroque Mushroom Warrior

    It may be the way I'm building my decks, but I've just run into too many turns in a row where no damage cards come up on my warrior. That being said, I went ahead and sold my Dwarven Panatellas which gave me the last 1000g I needed to buy both of them.

    Thank you everyone for the feedback.
  16. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Yes, Tenderizer isn't Vibrant Pain, but why "you know you will never play it"? If the metagame shifts to armor-heavy (and we're already experiencing such shift with all the new armors, especially SCA), you will need some anti-armor cards, and Shredding Strike is the second only to the Sundering Strike. If you inspect the items with those cards, you will notice that there are just few good weapons with 3 of them or more.
    Yes, if you have Sundersong or Petochl's Sword (and (majortoken)(majortoken) for it) then you probably don't need Tenderizer. Somebody may prefer White Katana, if he wants to trade damage for movement, but that's all.

    Arrogant Armor creates a new type of party: a party without attachments. It may be not as effective as the party with attachments right now, but the situation may change. I am encountering the increasing number of Purging Bursts nowadays, so the attachments aren't as good as they were.
    By passing on Bern's Untouchable Mail, you're closing the options that you may want later. Personally I am trying to keep all the options available (see the Tenderizer discussion). A sudden metagame shift may make both items very popular and desirable, so it's good to prepare while you can.
    Last edited: May 5, 2014
  17. To me, the Tenderizer is a good weapon, but just not as good as Petochl's Sword and some other items with the new superior Sundering Strike. I thought you were right on the other day when you pointed out:

    I would rather run an arcane item with some armor tech than devote two tokens to a weapon like the Tenderizer. I have two of the very fine Petochl's swords and after testing one out I swapped it out for something with Oblit Bludgeons. As you say, the Tenderizer is useful if you have to tech against armor. I just think 2500 can be better spent elsewhere, in particular for someone like Jacques who most likely is playing the very best cards he can.
  18. MysticQuail

    MysticQuail Kobold

  19. Jacques

    Jacques Hydra

    Thank for the feedback guys, I will wait until the new leagues come. If there are ligues with a gold fee, I may have to pass on the Tenderizer as I don't have too much right now. If they have all a pizza fee, I will buy it.
  20. Krodis

    Krodis Mushroom Warrior

    Rhood's Boots are great team run boots and worth the money.
    Lt. Buckwell's Boots are considered to be one of the best wizard boots. Though with the emergence of boots with Sparkling Cloth Armor that may be debatable. If you have the money i say go for it

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