[Suggestions] Easier equipping, and Rogue ideas

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by robvalue, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. robvalue

    robvalue Kobold

    Hi there, I've been playing this game for a little now and it's excellent! Here's a couple of things that bug me that I think could be easily improved to streamline the playing experience:

    1) I am often in the situation where my character is equipping an item which has been assigned a yellow power orb, because it was the last one available, even though it only needs a blue one. But if I then want to put the yellow orb to better use elsewhere, the game won't let me, without having to remove this object first. For example:

    • I am using (among other things) some boots that need a blue orb, but it currently is assigned a yellow.
    • I am using a weapon which is assigned two blue power orbs, just as it needs.
    • I want to swap in a weapon which requires one yellow orb and one blue orb, instead of the above weapon. This would then swap over the yellow orb from the boots, leaving things all legal. But...
    • The game won't let me. I have to take the boots off first, then equip the new weapon, then equip the boots again.
    It would be great if when I try to equip the new weapon, the game checks, "Is this new configuration possible with the power orbs available, by moving yellow orbs around if needed?" and if the answer is "yes" then to accept the change and move the orbs for me. OK you can call me lazy, but I just think this is a problem that doesn't need to be there, and one that annoys me frequently especially as I'm always changing equipment around. Especially also a problem when you level up and a blue orb turns into yellow one on an item already equipped.

    2) I often want to change my whole party for another group of three guys (from my pool of 27 possible candidates covering all races and classes, with three of each). This is kind of similar to the above... I have to remove two of my guys from the party, then move over and put in two new guys, then go back and remove the third original member... then put in the final new third member. Would it not be easier to jut have a "clear party" button while in the Keep, which just sticks all your guys in the reserve, leaving you with an empty team? And then you pick your new 3 guys right away. The game could insist you add at least one member before leaving the keep, to avoid having no actual party.

    3) When choosing my new 3 guys as above for my team, it seems like I'm doing a lot of scrolling between my guys in a cumbersome way by going through all the tabs until I happen upon them. It would be great to have filters to home in on who we want... I tick the "wizard" and "elf" boxes, and it filters it down to my elf wizards. I want two of those, now I untick "elf" and tick "dwarf" and I find dwarf wizards. Or if I just want to look at my dwarves, I tick the "dwarf" box but not any racial boxes. Should be easy enough and save a lot of time? To do all the really hard challenges in the campaign (1 health ones especially) I do a whole lot of switching around. Sure you have the save slots, but these don't nearly cover all the permutations between races/classes (165 if I'm awake enough to calculate it correctly).

    4) I also often want to start anew with my equipping, by stripping off everything my current party is using so I have full options to prepare to beat the next challenge with a new team. The fastest way to do this currently is to hold down CTRL and click on every item for all 3 of my guys. Call me lazy again, but if you implement number 2, it could have the option to also remove all their equipment at the same time. I can't be the only one who experiences all this can I? For those who are serious about beating all the campaign challenges, anyhow. There are work around in place but they just seem needlessly cumbersome.

    Thank you for reading all that! Now just a couple of ideas for "rogue" class (which I'm excited about!)

    1) "Step out" cards, AKA hit and run. They work just like current step attacks like Dancing Cut, but you attack first and then step afterwards. A dastardly hit and run tactic. As with step cards, you can use it just for the move if there is no target to be selected.

    2) Obviously, back attack cards, and steal cards, the war monkey guys already have this cornered but it could be developed further.

    3) I thought of a "ruse" card, where you actually want it to be blocked. For example: "Ruse swipe" piercing, Attack card, range 1, damage 2. If this card is blocked, you take the oldest card from the character you attacked. (This is obviously an exception to the block completely cancelling an attack rule). So I am going for an attack but expecting you may block it, and while you concentrate on stopping the attack I pick your pockets. If you don't block it, I just get some damage. Sneaky stuff.

    4) Ranged "distract" cards (I think there is already an ability for this, stealth, where you get to choose the facing of the target after the attack, but this is barely used if at all by player characters at the moment). So for example "Distracting knife throw, range 4, damage 1, stealth." Used to mess with enemies in close quarters with your melee guys etc.

    If you read all the way to the bottom here, thanks very much! Keep up the good work, excellent.
    Last edited: May 1, 2014
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Just a few quick comments, that might change some of the feedback:

    1) This is something that has been mentioned before, but probably not that high on the priority chain sadly. I agree that it would equipping less of a chore at times.

    2) Check the store/retrieve function. Works as a saved inventory party setup, pretty much. But it seems you're already aware of this - on a second readthrough. Guess that doesn't quite work as good as a clear function in this case.

    4) If you store an emtpy party, that's a current workaround to this.

    Sadly, we've heard nothing about the rogue since beta - so we likely have to wait a bit more.

    Welcome aboard!
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2014
  3. robvalue

    robvalue Kobold

    Thanks for the reply :) Ah yes, I didn't think of storing an empty party! Good idea.
  4. Jacques

    Jacques Hydra

    What I think it would be nice is to know where you can get with a step attack. There are times when I'm not really sure where I can go with a Nimble Strike or a Dancing Cut due to difficult terrain and near opponents, so it would be helpful if you could just place the mouse on the card (not clicking in it) and know where it can take you, as it happens with normal move cards.
    Lord Feleran likes this.
  5. Lord Feleran

    Lord Feleran Guild Leader

    And more store/retrieve slots please! :)
    Lots more for SP and more for MP too, we need space for our waterway and chess madness decks too :p

    Edit: And I think it was Stexe who said that Rougue's default move card could be Scuttle. Great idea!

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