1/1/1 (question)

Discussion in 'Deck Building' started by Andro, Apr 12, 2014.

  1. Andro

    Andro Kobold

    I don't know much about the details of current meta, but I know that most people are using 2 warriors/1 wizard or 2 warriors/1 priest. I'd like to try something different and build the best 1/1/1 deck possible. I'm only interested in playing a different deck for fun, but of course would like it to do as well as it can. Other than loading the priest with frenzy, I'm a little overwhelmed as to where to start. What 1/1/1 decks would people run if they could use any items available? (Not that I'm even close to that position, but I figure I could find a next best fit for most areas).

    If nothing else I'd like to kickstart some 1/1/1 discussion as I rarely see it mentioned here.
  2. tuknir

    tuknir #3 in Spring PvP Season

    Well myself tryed unite the best of those 2 common decks and made a 1/1/1 where the warrior have some ns etc, with a wiz with ww/wwe and encumber and a priest alsowith some ns and some hitting power and mass frenzy. i must say it works ok, sometimes fells that im missing some fire power note: the priest can hit prety hard but still.... i guess it would work great if i had 2 vp's for the warrior (have zero)
  3. Andro

    Andro Kobold

    You'd use 2x VP and then the Strongarm? Nifty Halberd?
  4. tuknir

    tuknir #3 in Spring PvP Season

    Ye 2 vps and a strongarm. Or maybe a Lochaber, a Bejewed and a Strongarm, but 2 vp's with mf, would be alot of 4 range 9 dmg... i think those could work prety good
  5. Andro

    Andro Kobold

    I think ideally one would go VP/BS/Strongarm which would free up a token for Superb Impaling and a blue token helm. Or VP/BS/Loch and go tokenless in those areas?
  6. tuknir

    tuknir #3 in Spring PvP Season

    personaly i would spent a token in a armor with at least 2 arrogant's. (vinorkin's) and use the other in shield perhaps. The problem i think tis sometimes the dmg output is just not enough with a single warrior, so a high mobile and dmg dealer priest would be a must (maybe a elf priest? maybe even a vampire?)
  7. Andro

    Andro Kobold

  8. tuknir

    tuknir #3 in Spring PvP Season

    fck..your right i forgot about that. sorry my bad. if you want something more radical you can always go with a elf warrior and pathfinding. you get rid eof those pesky encumber and get more step attacks..anywya the movement will not be that important since you will have the wiz casting ww/wwe
  9. tuknir

    tuknir #3 in Spring PvP Season

    ive seen some 1/1/1's where the wiz was a firestorm user, with a priest to buff it (wellspring) and heal and a warrior to dmg and protect, those seem to work good too, but the wiz rly needs those imba fs gear
  10. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Isn't Martyr's Blessing a better buff to focus on than Mass Frenzy if you have a wizard in your party?
  11. Huey Laforet

    Huey Laforet Orc Soldier

    Nimbus spam could be fun. I ran a 1/1/1 team with nimbus priest to top 10 once.

  12. Andro

    Andro Kobold

    You may well be right Flaxative but I would assume, perhaps incorrectly, that the priest would use Whiteglow+Martyr's Mail and that pretty much takes care of the Martyr's Blessings with room left for frenzy.
  13. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Tome of the Martyr is REALLY nice with Altruism.
    GunsmoKing likes this.
  14. Andro

    Andro Kobold

    Right, I see how it would be. I'm actually loving Altruism since I started using it. It helps to highlight how inconsistent items can seem when viewed in a MP-only context. Advanced Piety becomes much superior to the more costly Superb Devotion.
    Flaxative likes this.
  15. tuknir

    tuknir #3 in Spring PvP Season

    in my 1-1-1 i use Dark Drewg's Mace with the whiteglow, but maybe i should use a glinting hammer to get more dmg output
  16. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

  17. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Honestly Glinting Eye Hammer doesn't do much more damage output than Dark Drewg's Mace for the token cost!! Think about it. You get 6 extra damage X2 from the Mighty Bludgeons, benefit of the Bash effect, downside of Raging Strike, and then Healing Rays and Purge instead of Unholy Frenzy X2. Unless you aren't running a warrior (??) I see no reason to stop using the Mace , particularily in favor of a high-damage output weapon.
    Your priest can run Whiteglow, Mace, Tome of the Martyr, Mail of the Martyr, than throw on some Mass Frenzy (Incense of Roiled Air, Shuddering Relic, for example). I would also ditch Advanced Piety in favor of Focused Piety or Novice Piety, and don't forget Parrying Buckler. If human, Perfect Command would round them out nicely.

    As for the warrior or wizard.... in order to have a serious discussion it would be nice to know what items you have/use rather than making a fantasy build with items you don't have.
  18. gmillie

    gmillie Kobold

    Ive been having some success lately using a 1/1/1 team. Dwarf Warrior is simply loaded with bashes and blocks, dwarf preist is used as a protector rather than a healer as he carries 6 nimbus, 3 martyrs blessing, and 3 unholy frenzy he also is loaded with blocks and a couple big attacks in case some one gets close, the human wizard is mainly used to control/ move the enemy with push backs and winds and mazes. Also has many team movements to help move around the dwarves. Pretty solid build only weakness is if one of them dies early on, since they each play a crucial part in the strategy. Any ideas for improvements??
  19. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    It depends HOW your characters die. If you get hit by a Whirlwind, you might consider Immovable (or even Stone Feet). I recommend Flanking Move on your Nimbus Priest, being able to move into position to cast Nimbus or simply taking priority (so you can go first next turn) is really great. I don't know how well your warrior "loaded with blocks" is working for you, but once you nimbus him/your opponent sees his Blocking Mace, they will ignore/push him out of the way and try to kill your other guys.

    There really is no protection against dumb luck, my advice is just to improve your gameplay. Don't overextend your guys, and always have movement saved up to get them out of trouble.
    I don't know where you are getting Maze(s) !!!! from, but STOP IT RIGHT NOW. Well, maze is a sacky (luck-based) card whether you target your allies or enemies; try and use something more dependable instead. In any case, stick to no more than one Befuddling Stone and consider ditching Sub-Zero Staff for Staff of Winter or Frosty Staff.

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