Will a table top version ever exist?

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Pancakeonions, Mar 27, 2014.

  1. Pancakeonions

    Pancakeonions Kobold

    Last year I played Card Hunter for a while, and it was really fun. I'm not into pvp, and eventually (well, fairly quickly actually) the single player game got too hard, even for me as a paying subscriber.

    Fast forward a few months and Myth arrives on my doorstep. Myth, for those of y'all who don't know, is a lavishly produced board game/ minis game that looks stunning, and is not very fun to play. (I feel like I've dated a few of those...) It drowns under a terrible rulebook, and the game is complicated enough that having to constantly look things up in the rules, then the game forums, then the FAQ, then some obscure video... Suffice it to say there are lots of great games out there that don't require the commitment of a college level calculus class.

    But there are some similarities with Card Hunter, and it made me pine for this game! I suspect this has been asked before (though a search of the forums turned nothing up), but is there any chance this might ever be published in the real world? If this has been beaten to death, perhaps someone would be kind enough to link me to that discussion?

    Even some subset of the cards to allow folks to play a quick game using minis and boards they already have would be most excellent! It looks like many of the cards are actually up on the internet in the wiki, so perhaps this could be a rainyday print-and-play project? Has anyone tried this? Did it work out OK?

    But if this were a kickstarter, I'd back it like there's no tomorrow!
  2. Megadestructo

    Megadestructo Shark Card

    This has been asked many times before, correct. And with the amount of work something like that would entail (and the small number of people on the team), it would be kind of a logistical nightmare. So, while it would be nice it's really not in the cards ATM (no pun intended).
  3. Pancakeonions

    Pancakeonions Kobold

    That's what I assumed, and I agree - I suspect the market would be considerably smaller than what you have now. It sure would be neat to see this happen someday. I have so many little toy soldiers, just waiting for their opportunity to play card hunter...!

    Looks like this might become my next rainy day(s) project.
  4. Megadestructo

    Megadestructo Shark Card

    I agree that it would clearly be Awesome! :)

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