Today I arrived on the forum to an awe-inspiring sight: Pengw1n, the Moderately Informed, standing (sitting?) proudly atop the list of most-posting members. Two years ago, I conquered the forum. Jon has since surpassed all other "like" counts, which is only understandable because the fungal-fellow is just so likeable. (And he tells us about bug fixes.) Now Pengw1n, the helpful, the patient, the kind, has surpassed all post counts. The community of Card Hunter is in good hands.
I blame my continuous presence on your new logout timer! Err, too bad it's only been in effect for a few days (alibi defunct). And thanks SK, but lately it's been more "work" than play for me on the forums, so while I might have passed you - it's not by measure of quality!
That one's just a guess on my part. (Unless someone knows where to find said list.) Since the highest-posting members are the only ones statistically likely to have hundreds of "likes," I check each person manually on the high-post-count list. Anyone not on the high-post-count list, well, oops.
Welllll..... I was going to stroke my vanity by adding a new metric to the "conquer the forums" list: likeability = #of likes / # of posts, for those with a significant number of posts. It was a great metric, until I clicked on Farbs' profile. 1st - Farbs (0.63 = 383/605) 2nd - neoncat (0.46 = 200/436) 3rd - Megadestructo (0.40 = 346/860)
As of this post, assuming no likes, I will score a staggering .72 in likability. And remember, you only need 25-30 trials for your data to be reliable. Or something. /cough >_>
There, now you can have 0.76! (For the purposes of likeability / my vanity, "significant number" is the number of posts I have made, minus 1.)
92 likes / 69 messages (excluding this one) = 1.33 likeability! It's like man god says: Alas, this is before factoring in penalties for gloating, thread necroing, and tampering with the words of the All-Father . . .
49 likes / 35 messages excluding this one = 1.4 likeability though one should have to factor in the overall number of messages i guess, at this stage though, i have no guilt claiming the likeable title, someone will knock me off my high horse in a matter of minutes no doubt. till then though,