Dear Blue Manchu, Could you please add sorting by item count to the inventory window? This way we who like to sell items over the maximum equippable count would easily find the items in need of a little pruning. Hopefully this would also be an easy and lightweight feature to design and implement. Thank you for your time.
LOL I was just about to pop on here and make a similar suggestion and lookee here, your post is at/near the top of the list. Here are two additional solutions for to handling this annoying time waster: Surplus Option An option to show only the surplus of each item. Surplus, of course, being only the items which you can never field because there aren't enough equipment slots, even if you had a party full of that character type.Example: Jimmy has 12 Abalone Relics, Jimmy clicks (or selects) "show Surplus," and, because you can only ever equip 9 total Divine Items to a party, 3 Abalone Relics are shown in the window. Item CountAlternately, and maybe easier to implement (but I kinda doubt it): Maybe you could put a circled numerical icon next to (or on, or something) the left-most copy of each specific item of in the inventory. This number would tell you how many of each of that particular item you have in your inventory, total between inventory and equipped, or both (preferably counting down/up as you sell/buy copies of an item). Because of (a) how much of a pain in the ass it is to look through my inventory for surplus items, and (b) how little each of those items are usually worth), I usually go at least a week between stopping off at a shop to sell them off, unless I've been farming. Nowadays it takes me anywhere from 20-45 minutes to clear surplus out of my inventory and, frankly it takes time away from me playing the game and/or doing anything else because I have to count. Speaking from experience, over time, this would save players hours of looking through their inventories, and counting out how many of each item s/he has to make sure s/he isn't about to sell off more than s/he can put to use as well as make the game even more user-friendly, overall.. Right now, for Arcane items, I'm used to just counting in threes, clicking and dragging until I have 3 piles of 4, and that has become very tedious, considering how many items I have to look through. Any of these solutions, either alone or a combination, would make things much, MUCH better inventory management experience for we players and will definitely make things much less frustrating for people who don't have a mouse to use to drag items around to make piles to make sure that they aren't screwing themselves over, such as the Mobile and Tablet users that we all hope to see on board in the near future. Thanks for your time!
Either of these would, at the least, lessen the occurrence of the sorta-problem I've run into numerous times: selling more of an item than I intended/should have, and then trying to find it in the heap mess of items I've sold in the vendor window.
A quick tip for fast selling: I filter by equipment slot and order by rarity before a selling spree. Sorting by rarity lets me skip over most items which aren't complete sets, while filtering by slot ensures that every visible item should have the exact same quantity. (This way, there's no need to figure out what kind of item the set contains, and then figure out the maximum usable quantity for that set.) Ideally, all the sets line up in nice columns and I can quickly see which sets break the column alignment because they have extra items. When I'm done selling, I move on to the next equipment slot.
I use the same method as neoncat except when I've only been farming a specific level. In that case I order by Level and only look at +/-3 of the level I farmed. It seems to save a little time, but ordering by count would definitely be faster.