How best to slightly nerf Winds of Wars

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by ClimbHigh, Dec 20, 2013.

  1. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    I agree with SLG. I don't want the devs to destroy builds, just to make sure the playing field can support more then two or three of them. Nerfing some of the most imbalanced cards is one way to ensure the potential for build variety.
  2. neoncat

    neoncat Feline Outline

    Well, it's not entirely extinct. I've actually encountered more firespam (running off Inspiring Presence) than control wizards in the past week.

    Also, I think that the primary objection to drawspam was not that it was unbeatable, but that it left one sitting around for 10 minutes on the very first round while the opponent shuffled cards. That is a valid objection, and one that the devs rightly scrambled to fix.

    I do agree that the whole "game is broken" wanking is mostly a reaction to meta-game fads, and not any severe imbalance in the game itself. A little tweaking would be nice (such as -1 range on WoW and -1 damage on VP), but the meta-game has already moved on. Fortunately, the devs have been calculating and patient (I hope).
    Aldones likes this.
  3. Shardokar

    Shardokar Kobold

    3dc is balanced, the problem that card cycling remind something abusable and should be nerfed :

    1. Cause futur cards/items may be stronger that the actual one and we could have lot of issues with it on a later stage of the game.

    2. Cause it cause a side effect i feel is gamebreacking, that trait cycling deck cause the opponent debuff removed without the use of an intentionnal card like purge

    Special mention

    While i agree 3dc might fall after the nerf, i hope the new content will allow more use of new team/race composition, and in a close way, map design.

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