Gameplay Suggestions

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Shardokar, Dec 26, 2013.


Allowed play time

  1. 10 minutes

    0 vote(s)
  2. 12 minutes

  3. 15 minutes

    0 vote(s)
  1. Shardokar

    Shardokar Kobold

    1. Allowed play time : i seriously think that if poeple take so long to play its only because they are allowed to do, dont get me wrong of course its a turn based strategic game and we should have all some time to think about multiple possibility, but my main grief is poeple taking too much time ONLY because they are allowed to do so, like someone said in lobby "isnt rocket science" after 20 to 50 games you saw about all the little subtility of the units placement, range of spells and step possibility, let alone that u already saw all of them during the SP. Since i no longer go under the 10min since a long long long time ago and so are doing 80% of my opponents i started this pool to this what others players here thinking about reduction the allowed play time, that would dynamyse the MP match a little bit and we can still manually allow more time for tounament map if we feel the need.
  2. This is a biased poll because you don't have any option to choose anything other than time reduction. If you wanted to make it better, it should have equal amounts of reduction and increase, plus "no change" aka 20min. Like this:

    10 min
    15 min
    20 min (no change)
    25 min
    30 min

    I doubt anyone would pick 30 minutes, but it should be still included to make the poll better.

    I personally would prefer 15 minutes. 20 min is a bit too much, and 10 minutes is sometimes not enough when you play wizards.

    I would also like some kind of "speed game" option with 5 minute clocks for people who would be interested in something like that.
  3. Shardokar

    Shardokar Kobold

    Cant edit the pool, realizing that let the 20min (no change) would had made sense, others option not.
  4. Martin K

    Martin K Goblin Champion

    Some games are really quick. I think my record is killing the opponent's team in 2 rounds with some lucky draws. Other games drag on for 10, 15 rounds...

    For that reason I'd prefer an initial clock of 5 minutes, with 1 minute added each round. That way, if both players want to fight it out to the last hit point, they can do it. On the other hand, you're not stuck for 10 minutes in round one because you play Captain Slow of the Snail Brigade.

    I had one opponent who took 3 effing minutes to decide which of three cards to discard. What the ...
  5. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Some people, faced with interesting decisions, like to make those decisions.

    Every single complaint I've read about opponents taking too long has, frankly, grated on me.
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.
  6. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    This is an interesting idea. I'd love to see how it works with newbies who pause new cards and use the default animation speed.
  7. Sazanami

    Sazanami Orc Soldier

    People who take their time for every decision are, as far as I can tell, simply doing something else during their game (working, browsing the internet). You can tell by the speed at which they play their traits.

    There is no cure for those people.

    As for anybody else, I think the game deserves some praise if some consideration is encouraged before making a move.
    Also understand that it is an impossible feat to enforce the entire player base to play at the same speed. Some will always take more time than others and if you happen to be one of the others, you'll always end up frustrated if you let it get to you.

    My advice, give the state of the game some more thought while you're waiting. Try to think of what your opponent might be considering. If he is thinking that long, perhaps he has options up his sleeve that you could watch out for and can plan accordingly. Even if you're already satisfied with your current skill level, any additional thought you put into the game will make you a better player.
    Flaxative likes this.
  8. I'd pick less time, but this is a foxnews esque poll. Allow equal time, less time with specifics, or more time with specifics so the poll isn't loaded.
    Flaxative likes this.

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