My proposed areas of multiplayer that need balancing

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Pilgrim Bailey, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. I think elves need fixing to be a bit more durable, or a bit more dodgish inherently. They should have a racial like toughness imo that lets them dodge (maybe putting hard to pin in their racial slot would work for that and make perfect sense). Parry though is much much much too strong for bronze, but not really anything overpowering currently, or at least, not in a way that matters since games are decided by casters typically.
  2. I agree with most of the OP. Similar to the draw situation we used to have, a lot of these abilities only become game-breaking when used in a specific way. Thus we have the situation now where there are only 2 decks running at the highest ranks. I assume that is not what BM intended. Either way, it's not particularly fun and as a direct result this is the first month I've not taken up club membership. That's not meant to be a slap in the face to the devs, just a realisation that something is wrong - but perhaps I am in the minority, in which case all is well.
    Aiven and Bearson Onyx like this.
  3. Krizmn1

    Krizmn1 Mushroom Warrior

    I dont play less cause the game is imbalanced. I play less cause I get insanely bored of seeing the exact same builds every match. Once in awhile I will get matched with someone 200-300 points lower and see a different style. The only issue is that it's often times insanely easy to beat.
  4. Vakaz

    Vakaz Guild Leader

    You're not alone; my membership expired this month, and the current state of multiplayer (which is the biggest long-term appeal for me) has made me not want to renew. I haven't given up; I would gladly renew once the devs get around to a balancing overhaul (or a multiplayer reward system that rewards playing instead of just winning), but for now it's just not worth it for me.

    The problem for me is that I can either have fun playing a sub-optimal build (which is most builds now, even stuff that used to be competitive), and then not get chests (by losing most of my games or playing peasant), or I can play an unfun "optimal" build in multiplayer, and get chests. Either way I'm losing out on half of what makes the game fun.

    Card Hunter is about hunting items and playing cards; I don't want to have to pick between them!
  5. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    I agree with Vakaz. I shouldn't have to play with an unfair yet boring build to win. And I shouldn't have to play with my favorite build against an OP build when I can rarely win and seldom enjoy the game. If I can't have fun win or lose, than what is the point of playing?

    Back to the OP, my questions is how do your re-balance the game? Assuming that they are not going to start messing with the item/level system, with the exception of making new intermediate quality grades (I believe someone suggested silk?), what cards can we adjust without ruining everything?
    For example, make Acrobatic Flip (Gold) into Bronze and make Dodge (Bronze) into Gold, then swap every item that has Dodge cards for Acrobatic Flip, and every item that has Acrobatic Flip cards with Dodge. If you are following me, this would essentially have swapped every Dodge in the game with Acrobatic Flip (and vice-versa) without altering the level of any item in the process. Just a crazy thought, I gotta run.
  6. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    You will get chests no matter what build you run in PvP, because you will usually win approximately 50% of games in the long run (your rating might just drop a bunch if the build is suboptimal). I agree club reward is best value when you can consistently get chests, e.g. by farming SP or stomping in PvP with 3DC. And I don't mean to make your plight seem small, I totally get it.

    It would be cool if you could get chests while playing peasant, but I get why the devs don't want to support peasant officially—by making clear that community-supported formats are okay, they encourage more community-generated formats and more player-driven play. I think if they made peasant official, that would somehow constrain the community. But I don't know, what's the official reasoning?
    Pilgrim Bailey likes this.
  7. Vakaz

    Vakaz Guild Leader

    I didn't really make myself clear there, sorry! I meant that in comparison to 3DC, normal builds are poorly rewarded in terms of getting mp chests.

    I think that I got mp chests 2 or 3 times faster playing 3DC compared to regular builds (a lot of that comes from the AI). And being at higher ranking where you usually play the AI just makes it even easier. Playing mostly humans is -very- slow in comparison, even if I'm still winning 60/40 like I was in beta. I think I've become spoiled by playing 3DC...

    Anyway, I don't want to stray too far from the point of this thread, so I'll just leave it at "imbalance is unfun".
    Flaxative likes this.
  8. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Yeah definitely.

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