Gotcha! Rules FAQ

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by neoncat, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. Ashebrethafe

    Ashebrethafe Kobold

    The Penetrating keyword prevents all armor reactions that use the Armor keyword from triggering. (It seems that most players understand this, and it's already explained on the wiki, but the in-game tooltip gave me the impression that, for example, Penetrating Cut could still be stopped by Thickened Mail since Armor 4 was enough to prevent all damage from that attack.)

    On the other hand, Shredding Strike won't cause the target to discard armor that wouldn't prevent any damage, whether that's because it doesn't trigger (such as Amorphous Body, or Weakened Armor against a Strike from behind) or because it fails the die roll.
  2. neoncat

    neoncat Feline Outline

    The "slide back N" effect is not completely symmetric. This post shows the end result of "push back N" for any position within range 5.
  3. bluesage

    bluesage Mushroom Warrior

    Similarly, block cards such as Flimsy Block and Weak Block WILL trigger on these attacks if the base damage value of the card is under 2 (for Flimsy Block) or 4 (Weak Block), even if the attacker has buffs that make the damage far more, or the attack has bonus damage that increases the damage done.

    For example, Flimsy Block will trigger on Touch Of Death (assuming the attack comes from the front and you make your die roll), even if the target has 5 cards in hand.
  4. neoncat

    neoncat Feline Outline

  5. amoth

    amoth Kobold

    The hint that pops up from time to time says that rounds end when both players pass, but cantrip cards complicate this somewhat.

    If one player just passes, then the other player plays a cantrip card then passes, the round does not end.
    If one player cantrips then passes, then the other player cantrips then passes, the round does not end.
    If one player cantrips then passes, then the other player just passes, the round ends.

    It seems the game is looking for two passes in a row, but handles 'cantrip then pass' turns inconsistently - they count as passes for ending the round if they are the first of two, but not if they are the second of two.

    The gameplay implications of this are:
    The player who begins continuously passing first won't always get the first move next round.
    Holding a cantrip means you can keep taking turns after your opponent has started passing, then recapture the initiative without having to provoke them to further action. They can only counter this if they hold as many cantrips as you.

    If 'cantrip then pass' counted as a round-ending pass in either position it would match the words of the hint, but might lead to un-expected round ending when players still have stuff to do.

    I think it would be fairer if 'cantrip then pass' didn't count as a round-ending pass in either position. But i personally prefer the current exploitable behaviour...

    In any case, either the game or the hint needs fixing.

    (Traits are cantrips, but playing them doesn't disrupt round-ending - they're handled specially)
  6. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    I don't think the game handles 'cantrip then pass' turns inconsistently. You said it yourself: "the game is looking for two passes in a row". A cantrip is not a pass. "Pass - cantrip - pass" is not "pass - pass". "Cantrip - pass - pass" is a "pass - pass". I fail to see the problem. The hint is correct and needs no change.
  7. neoncat

    neoncat Feline Outline

    Bug reports, suggestions, and discussion of the same should go in the appropriate forums plz. :)
  8. amoth

    amoth Kobold

    Ok, so maybe i'm not reading the hint literally enough. I'd been thinking of a 'pass' as either a turn that ends with the player pressing pass, or a turn in which the player does nothing but press pass, but Jarmo's reading of it as two adjacent pass button presses in the sequence of player actions fits, so maybe it's not a bug and does belong in this thread.
  9. neoncat

    neoncat Feline Outline

    Regarding the order of effect resolution at end/start of round:

    Also, regarding the order of resolution of firestorm (as of 10/2013):

    Update regarding order of resolution (3/2014):
  10. neoncat

    neoncat Feline Outline

    Three notes about Dodge:

    - Dodge is a reaction (orange) NOT a block (green). If you do not move outside of attack range / line of sight, the attack will succeed.
    - Dodge will only trigger when targeted from the front. (Just like a block, or Jump Back.)
    - Dodge will NOT trigger on untargeted effects like cones, bursts, or Firestorm.
  11. neoncat

    neoncat Feline Outline

    All Out Attack doubles base damage, before any buffs, self-buffs, or de-buffs are applied. To illustrate:

    You play Cowardly Attack (base dmg: 4) from behind the target (dmg: +6), while holding two All Out Attack (base dmg: x2^2). Wimpy (dmg: -1) and Mass Frenzy attached (dmg: +3) are attached to the attacker, and Vulnerable (dmg: +1) is attached to the target.
    Some other self-buffing melee attacks are:
    - Devastating Blow
    - Anvil Strike
    Sir Veza likes this.
  12. neoncat

    neoncat Feline Outline

    Sir Veza likes this.
  13. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Sir Veza and neoncat like this.
  14. Lord Feleran

    Lord Feleran Guild Leader

    When standing on acid at the end of turn with Toughness, you won't prevent the damage nor will you get to draw.
    The same is true with Dissolve Armor and Toughness.
    neoncat likes this.
  15. neoncat

    neoncat Feline Outline

  16. neoncat

    neoncat Feline Outline

    Sparkling Cloth Armor has a unique ability to trigger movement during the tile attachment phase, which can lead to multiple tile effects being triggered for the same character.

    Tile effects are (apparently) resolved for each tile from the bottom-left corner to the top-right.

    If a character holding Sparkling Cloth Armor moves up and/or right upon damage, then the tile at that new position has not yet been resolved and will in due sequence apply an additional effect to the character.

    If the character had instead moved down and/or to the left upon damage, then the tile at that new position would have already been resolved and so the character would not suffer any additional effects.

    Note that this sequence of events (damage - move - more damage) can only occur when the character stands on lava or spikes, as acid will cause armor to discard before the move effect takes place.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2014
  17. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    I believe Crude Plates have always worked in the exact same way in terms of triggering terrain attachements - but then again, that's not a card available to players.
    neoncat likes this.
  18. I always love laying a wall of lava in a straight line under one of those trogs so that there are two squares behind him. When his armor triggers, he can potentially hit all three and get burned for 12 (or 16 if he fails his last roll). Path of Knives is also a fun trick to play on them. Silly trogs.
  19. zeroth_hour

    zeroth_hour Goblin Champion

    Bandreus, neoncat and Flaxative like this.
  20. bigdiff

    bigdiff Kobold

    neoncat likes this.

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