Opponent avoidance

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by PaladinGP, Nov 30, 2013.

  1. PaladinGP

    PaladinGP #1 in Spring PvP Season

    Shall we have a name and shame of the players in the top 10 who are cherry picking their opponents? Everyone knows your ratings are artificially inflated...

    Nope. -Megadestructo
  2. Karstedt

    Karstedt Goblin Champion

    How do you cherry pick opponents?
  3. PaladinGP

    PaladinGP #1 in Spring PvP Season

    They don't click "seek opponent" when there's anyone highly ranked around who isn't in a game.
  4. Nim

    Nim Mushroom Warrior

    I'm pretty sure I've played nearly everyone in the top ten at least somewhat recently.
  5. PaladinGP

    PaladinGP #1 in Spring PvP Season

    Can we have some way to make the players who are just sitting on their scores be penalised for not playing? For example, turinturamba got to the top with a draw deck, and has barely played since the cards were rebalanced. And not against the top opponents. Mindful and Hammyman are the best currently in the top 10, for my money, as the others are just avoiding everyone threatening. It's shameful.
  6. PaladinGP

    PaladinGP #1 in Spring PvP Season

    I'm thinking of <redacted> as the 4 major offenders.
  7. Nim

    Nim Mushroom Warrior

    I have a game in my record with Minmaxer on the 22nd, can't really comment on the others other than to say that I thought Turin and Scared were mostly inactive the moment. It's not exactly avoidance if you're just not playing at the moment, and there are plenty of legit reasons for taking a break.

    Rather than calling people out it might be more helpful to suggest the addition of some sort rating decay to the system. E.g. after a week with no games played you lose ~10 rating per day until active again.
  8. Rhubarb

    Rhubarb Kobold

    Shall we name and shame the player in the top 10 who is trying to name and shame his opponents? Everyone knows your ego and epeen are artificially inflated...
  9. I think it's pretty cowardly to call people out like that. It's something that I would assume is also against the forum rules.

    I personally haven't been avoiding anyone. I've played MP only maybe 5-6 times since the new maps arrived and 2-3 of them were humans (I think you were one of those humans?). I've been inactive because I think that the new maps are designed to be biased, and me not playing them is kind of my silent vote against maps like that. Also it's given me time to do other things, like designing custom scenarios and playing SP.

    But I do think that the current system is flawed because a person could in theory protect their ratings. I even made a post about it.
    spacedust and Flaxative like this.
  10. PaladinGP

    PaladinGP #1 in Spring PvP Season

    I'm sorry ScaredLittleGirl, that wasn't classy of me, and I apologise, especially as you have already raised the issue in a more eloquent fashion.
  11. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Yeah, Naming and Shaming is not cool. I don't see a point in editing any names out in this thread - as there's nothing really to blame these people for. Sometimes people just don't play, and since ratings don't decay they'll sit there until they get passed. I doubt there's any cherry picking going on.
  12. Kotor

    Kotor Mushroom Warrior

    I don't like people who want to name and shame you also want to know why?

    1. Your anonymous and that's mostly why people want this. Your a bigguy if you name and shame in public.
    2. Name and shame is for cowards.
    3. Whats the point of it? Only so you can feel better? Start wanking each evening also gives a great feeling after couple minutes.
    4. Name and shame is 95% of the time done by very envious people and I don't like envious people.
  13. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    It sounds to me like PaladinGP wants to challenge these players to duels. I'd be down to spectate & record the matches. What times work for you guys? My schedule's been pretty crazy lately but sleep is technically optional, so how about in the midnight-5 a.m. PST range?

    (p.s. no really what the heck is the point of this thread I do not get it.)
    PaladinGP likes this.
  14. Stormyknight

    Stormyknight Orc Soldier

    his point although lost in the context i think is related to ELO scores not deteriorating its just plain unfair if you play constantly and someone above you isnt playing at all yet he is 100 matches away before you can challange his position that he isnt even there to defend.
  15. ElShafto

    ElShafto Goblin Champion

    The only opponent I try to avoid is Mom. Damn if it ever works. Somewhere a psychologist is laughing at me.
    spacedust and Flaxative like this.
  16. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Eh, I think that'll solve itself once we have more organized play.
  17. This isn't a new problem, in fact, its not actually a problem caused by the players. If its a problem at all (in that elo matters or rating for some reason), then its something the devs can address by implementing seasons, elo decay, or removing inactive players from the ladder (while retaining their current ratings, or adding a "highest rating ever" stat to their names).

    People are going to duck other players when their pet builds don't work, or when the game has a high-level of imbalance and they can't compete at that level due to lacking the items. If you only care about rating, you would be wise to do so. If I was still rank 2, and I cared about rating, and I didn't have vibrant pains to compete, I'd sit out indefinitely until its balanced.
  18. tuknir

    tuknir #3 in Spring PvP Season

    I dont have have vp and since the halloween maps rotated out i been tanking my way down in ranking, from 1500ish to 1200ish.. atm should be around 1400, and im even using a build that works quite bad on the new maps ( 1 war 2 wiz or triple wiz) still i like challenges.

    Sure its cool have a high rank, but atm you have zero incentive to be higher rank, u dont get nothing and even have to wait more time to find a oponent.
    a idea: why not make the rank reset every week? and the first 10? 50?100 win some prizes?

    just try enjoy the game for the fun, try diferent stuff, adapt to the new maps, im trying something new all the time, usul ends badly but whatever, still a fun game
  19. I'm not disagreeing with you. I don't care about sitting on rating. I care about playing a fun balanced mp, and unfortunately, its my opinion that the balance isn't yet in an acceptable range where I'd want to play. If devs want to clear ratings of inactives (like myself) I wouldn't care at all.
    tuknir likes this.
  20. tuknir

    tuknir #3 in Spring PvP Season

    ye BM will have a hard time to please hard core, soft core and silly players all alike.

    about the ranking maybe every time new maps come under rotation the ranks could be reset?

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