Choking Bolt kills warrior with 2 Lifesaving Block

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by skullKrusher, Nov 21, 2013.

  1. skullKrusher

    skullKrusher Kobold

    Playing No Party Deaths on Against the cockroaches, The Demon Stink.

    Elf warrior with 2 health, only had the 2 lifesaving blocks. Killed by Morvins Choking bolt.

    Why didn't the 2nd block trigger?
  2. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    It was probably discarded by the bolt. The card text says: "Immediately discard oldest revealed card in target's hand." Was the second block revealed?
  3. skullKrusher

    skullKrusher Kobold

    Don't believe either were revealed, how would they be? The oldest card was clearly discarded, but the other one sat in my hand and did not trigger.
  4. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    There are many things in the game which reveal your cards to the opponent. If one of the two blocks was discarded without having been a revealed card (eye symbol showing), that's a bug according to the card text.

    Which direction did the bolt hit your warrior from? Blocks only work for hits coming from the front of the character (as I'm sure you know by now so this is probably not it).
  5. skullKrusher

    skullKrusher Kobold

    But as they are lifesaving blocks the only ways for them to be revealed are when triggered or when forced to discard, right?

    And yeah I had just run away from some roaches and thought I'd be safe from any missile attacks from Morvin as he was facing him with the 2 blocks.
  6. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    There are many other ways cards can get revealed (meaning a little eye icon appears above them while they still are in your hand = the opponent can see them). For example, if you draw the Obvious Maneuver trait card. There are many other situations where this happens, too many to list.

    Did your warrior have any cards attached to him, good and bad? Doesn't Morvin use a lot of curse / debuff cards? If you had a buff on him preventing damage and a debuff increasing it, the block might not trigger.
  7. skullKrusher

    skullKrusher Kobold

    Ahh, you probably just nailed it right there. I had forgotten about the Obvious Maneuver, so looking at the deck lo-and-behold there it is. AND vulnerable, life saving only blocks the cards base damage I presume. I really do need to pay more attention to attached cards (superstitious anyone?) Is there any type of log or record kept of single player matches?
  8. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Unfortunately, nothing that is saved on disk. If you still have the game running in the same session, it might be in the log. Press F1 twice to see it (this once crashed the game for me so be careful!)
  9. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Yes, this is talked about more in this thread, for example. The thread also contains a list of all cards I could find Lifesaving Block does not trigger with.

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