In "try again" screens before retrying a failed encounter, the store/retrieve button isn't there. This is a bit annoying, since the time I most want that button is immediately before retrying a failed adventure. My frame of mind in such a situation is: "OK, I'm wearing my latest stab at a, default, well-rounded build. I'd like to push that build onto the stack for now; then I'm going to swap in some wackier / more-extreme gear that's specifically targeted at winning just this next encounter." So the store/retrieve option would obviously be super-helpful here... Thanks for your consideration, Will P.S. - I'm really loving the game so far! It has kept me sane [and even happy] through lots of early mornings tending our newborn.
You're not supposed to be able to change your party members during an adventure - hence the store/retrieve function can't be there. However, it would be good if the game allowed for specific character builds to be loaded - as others have suggested in similar threads.
Ah, makes sense. The distinction is especially subtle for me (and I suspect a lot of new players) to see, since I only have 3 SP characters and so store/retrieve only operates on gear for me at present. Thanks for the reply, Will
Actually, one follow-up suggestion that "should" be easy to implement, but that may confuse people further the first time they encounter it... Just making the "store" (not retrieve) functionality available within an adventure would address my use-case, and it wouldn't allow the player to change characters during an adventure...
That's actually a really fair suggestion. As I adventure along, my default party doesn't change much, but I do add little things here and there. When I'm about to swap out the usual stuff for really bizarre situational gear, I've accidentally misplaced my really good stuff on more than one occasion because I reloaded the old setup (from the last time I saved) and didn't notice that it dated from about two or three important alterations back. I went an entire day without my best weapon once because of this little mistake. Derp. I'd see it as less than a permanent build save and more like a current party "bookmark" that you plan to return to immediately afterwards.