So, the enemy bungles a heal, and I get benefits! woo! except...I rolled a 'successful' block, so I lose the block, lose the healing, and the enemy still heals, so they gain a lot.
Beneficial effects shouldn't be blocked, that just doesn't make any sense. Being able to abuse this behaviour to draw out enemy blocks just makes it worse. Bungled Heal is a Weak quality card, so I'm pretty sure that it's not supposed to impart any additional benefits to an 8 range 5 point heal (as the name suggests). No, the additional effect is supposed to be a downside and being able to turn this into a benefit by abusing buggy(?) blocking behaviour makes the card way overpowered for its quality. This was already fixed for Dwarven Battle Cry and should be fixed for ALL beneficial effects imparted by an enemy card, because: 1. This behaviour is illogical, blocking a beneficial effect doesn't make any sense. 2. This behaviour turns intended drawbacks into benefits, making cards stronger than they should be.
I feel the same way Snowcrashooo feels. Effects like this shouldn't be blocked. This card got it benefits and downsides. But if you can heal an ally for 5 HP, and also trigger enemy block - isn't it kind of overkill for a low quality healing card?
Blocking a beneficial effect does make sense. If the enemy is casting an unknown spell at you and you have a split second to try to block it, would you let it pass on the off chance the angry foe isn't trying to blast your brains off?
Here is an older thread about this. And here is my response in that thread. I still reckon there are some good points in what I said back then, so I'm just going to quote it again here:
Since I don't use this card, I got a question: How does Bungled Heal targeting work on the enemy ? I mean is it a non-target effect, targeting-from-caster effect or targeting-from-original-target effect ?