[Suggestion] UI improvement that streamline play, reduce distraction

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by ClimbHigh, Oct 23, 2013.

  1. ClimbHigh

    ClimbHigh Mushroom Warrior

    The UI is pretty neat. I definitely like the "top animation speed"
    Yet, imho there is room for improvement
    1. Combine the button "Open Chest" and "Take All and Continue"
    Considered the mouse movement needed to move up to "Open Chest" and move down "Take All and Continue" is somewhat distracting
    and non essential to gameplay, can the "Open Chest" animation starts when you click "Take All and Continue"
    (I do understand the intended excitement involved in opening chest)
    2. When set to "Auto Target On", automatically and temp changed it to "Off" when not all target is used.
    I found myself Toggle this midgame during my many Winds of Wall. There are many times that I want choose a 2nd target (i.e. my teammate) even on auto target mode
    This change is not specific to the card WoW. Generally we want to use up the 'target'. The Auto Target should provide that convenience.
    (I do understand the CTRL-Click)
    3a. Hoover mouse over empty tile reveal LoS (instead of CTRL-click)
    It's quicker
    3b. It will be nice if this also display the "distance" to other characters.
    This will be useful to plan where your mage should move, quickly knowing what will be in the spell range.
    4. Keyboard shortcut desperately needed for the "Pass", "Open Chest" and "Take All and Continue" button
    Reduce unnecessary and distracting mouse movement/click.
    To a lesser extend, add key shortcut for the "Done" and "Cancel" button
    5. Add a New Inventory Sorting option "Newly acquired"
    This thread tries to gather a list of minor but useful UI improvement that makes you enjoy the game more.
    You are welcome to contribute.
  2. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Strong strong strong agrees with these two items. They've both been requested plenty, I am sure, but still, I hope the devs take note: we need these.
  3. spacedust

    spacedust Goblin Champion

    My RSI is acting up again, so STRONGLY thirded for keyboard shortcuts.

    Also, some improvements to the keep/party would be good. E.g. have a scrollable list of characters down the side where currently inactive party members are displayed, so that I can see characters at a glance. I run around 20 characters of varying levels so it is quite hard to sort through them with the current system.
    Kalin and Flaxative like this.
  4. Sam Ferdinand

    Sam Ferdinand Kobold

    Keyboard shortcuts, yes! please!!
    Playing through a very lengthy tutorial and wish I could press Enter to close the weird geeky person's sometimes rudimentary comments.
    Key. shortcut to pass turn would be nice too.

    Kind regards
    Sam F.
    spacedust and Flaxative like this.

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