Graveyard--Wow. ?

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by DeathsDesign, Oct 31, 2013.

  1. DeathsDesign

    DeathsDesign Kobold

    Ok so ten zombies all with 13hp. I have a Dwarf Warrior, Human priest and human wizard.
    Holy hell how do you beat 13 of em? that multiple zombie card destroys me.
  2. Chompman

    Chompman Mushroom Warrior

    They move slow so stay at range and take them out with a wizard or two and ranged attacks or use knockback weapons.
  3. DeathsDesign

    DeathsDesign Kobold

    Man I wish i could, my rang attacks are two spaces only. I need a dang archer! LOL within two rounds they have us surrounded .
  4. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Firestorm :)
    Aldones likes this.
  5. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Chop, Bash, Parry, Fire Spray. They don't have armor, so any fire attack will work well. There's no room for you to maneuver, so get rid of your extra movement cards and step-attacks and put in armor and extra attacks.
  6. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    And blast a hole. You CAN maneuver (and get away from those infernal Brains! cards) so long as you focus your single-enemy Attacks on one side of the approaching horde.

    Crowd control, as stated, can be better than single-enemy Attacks. I'm just pointing out this other strategy for when you don't draw those cards.
    Guises likes this.
  7. Aldones

    Aldones Ogre

    Before I had any really good cards to beat them easily, I recall feeling the same way you're describing it. Sir Knight is correct that you can make yourself an escape route.
    Nowadays I just AoE them all down, but before that was an option for me the trick was just to use some good kiting. Zombies just shuffle. If you split up your party then you'll have them chasing all over the place, but if you slowly retreat around the edge as a group then they will swiftly become one large, very slow mass that just can't keep up with you.
    The first time I won that map, it was a terrible bloodbath until I was just down to my dancy-prancy elf wizard. She then proceeded to skip around, leading the mob in a very controlled pattern, poking everything to death with zaps. It felt tense because it took so long, but in retrospect it was an extremely controlled battle and had very little chance of failure, once she'd broken free and isolated the enemies from herself into one dense blob. This was one of the maps where someone's advice, "Don't be afraid to let one of your guys take one for the team" became helpful. Just don't try and split up and run everywhere right away in the hopes that someone will make it out.
    I should also point out that they usually start out with such a nice formation that you can immediately start scoring good group attacks with things like walls of fire or ember burst, if you have them. It's really easy to hit at least three of them with any one attack of this nature.
  8. kiting is always a good strategy when dealing with these slow moving enemies. i suppose the most important thing is to watch / guess how many move cards they have, and then stay out of their range but within your range. I like range attacks alot, even for my warrior, I will try to keep the range 2 pokes. Nothing beats attacking enemies that cannot retaliate.
  9. Zalminen

    Zalminen Hydra

  10. DeathsDesign

    DeathsDesign Kobold

    Finally was able to get it, kept everyone together, got lucky with a couple whirlwinds and then a firestorm...sheesh! thanks all!!
    Flaxative likes this.
  11. Aldones

    Aldones Ogre

    Good work. I've been wondering how you were doing. :) It's been kind of fun listening to you progress.
    DeathsDesign and Flaxative like this.
  12. DeathsDesign

    DeathsDesign Kobold

    Heh well good, cuz im about to post another one :) and you being the goblin champion should be able to help ;-)

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