Inactive Character Roster is Slow and Ineffective

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by KT Chong, Oct 28, 2013.

  1. KT Chong

    KT Chong Orc Soldier

    I know the current interface is pretty that the players can flip through the inactive characters, but it is slow, inefficient and impractical for players who have many inactive characters, (e.g., like each of each class/race combo; it will only get worse with new classes and races coming.) I have to flip through the inactive character roster back and forth to look for a character. Please give us a list view as an option to let to scroll through and manage our inactive characters quickly and efficiently. The list should also allow us to sort or filter by name, class, race, and campaign level. A list view is always a more effective way to organize a roster that a flip book.

    Also, currently the character screen do not allow us to remove all active characters (i.e., having no active character.) Often I want to replace all active characters at at the same time. Now, I have to remove two active characters, go over to the inactive character roster to select two characters, then go back to the active characters to remove the last active character, and then go back to the inactive character roster to add the last character, and then go back to the active character roster to manage the new characters. That is too many back-and-forth steps. I could have just remove all three active characters at once, go to inactive character roster and add three at once, and then go back to the active character roster and be done with it. Quick and simple. Better interface.

    P.S. I would love to have a list view for items as well, because too many items make the current interface a big mess. The stores should have the list view as well.

    More P.S. I still want that vault for storing items. My items are getting too many and too messy. It's becoming a tedious chore just to find and pick out the right item.
    Even more P.S.
    dmar314, Java, eyhung and 4 others like this.
  2. Zalminen

    Zalminen Hydra

    Agree on both points.

    I'm currently doing quests and constantly switch characters so the current system gets annoying quite fast...
  3. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Yup, the roster could be a lot better. Needs a drop down menu/filter for race, ability to show in list form et c - it's very very clunky as is now.
    Flaxative likes this.
  4. Nneu

    Nneu Kobold

    Agreed, the party list and inventory management are the reasons why I don't go back and spend much time on the challenges.
    dmar314 likes this.
  5. spacedust

    spacedust Goblin Champion

    Yes please. I really like the suggestions that OP laid out. It would make sorting through my ever-growing roster of figures quicker. Some days I feel like deleting half of them just to make it quicker to assemble parties.
  6. Lockon

    Lockon Mushroom Warrior

    How about, to keep it looking all pretty, it looks like the papers are all stacked on each other in a way that lets you see the character name and any other relevant info, like level, race and class. You get your list, and it still fits the world.
    Kalin likes this.
  7. Martin K

    Martin K Goblin Champion

    Adding to that, I'd also like a button "move all items to stash". When I'm not planning to use a character for a while, I don't want him to sit on all my valuable stuff, but right now, you need to manually drag and drop every item one by one.

    I'd also like a button "sell all treasures" in the shop to speed things up. Even better would be a box to sell loot immediately when you get it. That way, when you get stuff you don't need, you don't need to clear it out from the big stash later.
  8. karadoc

    karadoc Hydra

    If it was faster and easier to swap characters and load & save builds, I'd do it a whole lot more often. As it is, I almost always use the same three characters every day on every mission. It takes too long to swap characters, and there aren't enough save slots to spare for similar party builds with different characters (and loading & saving builds is a bit cumbersome anyway, which I tried to describe ages ago in this thread).

    The characters on the left-hand-side don't seem to be in any meaningful order; so I have to browse through them all to find the one I'm looking for. That's a bit frustrating, but the main thing that bugs me is that the movement of the character selection when adding & removing characters seems unnatural to me. When I remove a character from my party, that character gets placed on the pile before the currently selected character, and then the focus is automatically shifted back to that character. For example, if I currently have the final character on the list selected on the left-hand-side, then when I remove someone from my party they will be placed second last on the list, and then they will be selected. So the selection moves around is a strange way. I find it disorientating.

    I'm sure there are good ways to completely redesign the interface; but I think a good minor change would be to make it so that removing a character from the party puts that character after the currently selected character on the non-party side, and that the selection not be moved to the character who was just removed from the party. Also, when adding a character to the party, the selection should move to the character after the one that gets added rather than the character before the one added.

    I agree that it should be possible to remove all characters from the party.

    Finally, one more minor thing is that it should be possible to rename characters without having to add them to the party.
  9. ClanCrusher

    ClanCrusher Hydra

    I'm not really sure how the interface can be changed within the bounds of the program, but I do know that it needs to change. Right now I'm flipping through 27 different characters and am only able to see three at a time. I can't search for them, I can't filter them, and it gets tedious really fast. In the same vein, I think the item interface could do with a change as well. After all, I'm one of those obsessive types who won't sell anything out of fear that it might be useful later down the line in some obscure combo, meaning I keep (at minimum), nine copies of every weapon, nine copies of every divine item, twelve copies of every arcane item, etc. Trying to figure out what I have enough of so I can sell the excess becomes rather burdensome and tedious with the layout of the inventory as it is. From a style standpoint, I like how the inventory is handled. From a practical standpoint, I wouldn't mind the option to switch to something a bit more list-like.
  10. zelink551

    zelink551 Goblin Champion

    I was thinking this or simply have an option to expand the page. Instead of seeing EVERYTHING about 3 characters, being able to see name/race/class/level for 9 or 16 seems like an option I would definitely take.
  11. Aldones

    Aldones Ogre

    From this thread.

    Suffice to say I want more inactive character user friendliness as well.
    The reason I include Jon's response to me is that he seems aware of our desire for a better form of this, and probably won't need any convincing that it would be an improvement.

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