Hello Card hunter fans my name is Blain and this is my first post on these forums. I've been following this game for some time and I like the look and feel of it. I understand the game is in development but watching the latest video something that I think needs changing is that when the cards were played by the zombies in response to the party the zombies cards flew into and out of view too fast. I suggest maybe cards played are displayed on the screen say on the side so I can see how I want to respond.
Hey Blain! Welcome to the forums Cards once they have been played can be viewed using the battle log in the upper left hand corner of the screen. I am pretty sure that clicking on the cards name designated by the blue hyperlink- like text will show the card fully. Total Biscuit’s PAX play through (link below) is probably the easiest to see it working in-game though you may need to up the video quality to read the text. Just wondering, would it be possible to change the color of hyperlinked text to correspond to card type? Red for attack, blue for movement ect. < > - WTF is :Card Hunter (Beta) [Direct Feed] (PAX Edition)
Thank you Legolas. However I am thinking about the cards displaying in a stack or something where it is more obvious. Also seeing the enemy cards cast then spin off the screen is distracting. I mean I can't read them very well with my aging eyes!
Hey Blain, welcome to the forums! A couple of things about animation speed. The first time you see a new card being played, it will stay in the middle of the screen until you click it away. Also, there's an animation slider that you can adjust to slow everything down if you still find it too fast. And, as Legolas said, there's a hyperlinked log for reference if you still miss something.
It'll just end up taking valuable screen real estate. I think Cardhunter's hyperlink 'recall' is a good solution; it's like playing Magic DotP - might be nice to read up on the card at the start but a dozen hours in, you know what the cards do and will rarely want to look at them again. Current GUI has enough 'clutter' without having to add in several 'used' piles.