Wanted to say a heartfelt thank you to the Dev.s I found this game last week and I LOVE it. My work allows me to use the internet for movies or what-not when I am not on a call(It's in our employee handbook, I could not believe it.) This game is the BEST. I love that I can play it during work hours and not have to worry about it timing out or anything of the sort. Great function. I also LOVE the old school art. Reminds me of hours upon hours upon hours of time spent in the back room of our local hobby/comic book store. Playing all the original D&D modules and drooling over the Arduin Grimore. Thanks again guys, this is really a great thing you have done.
[not so serious on] *goes green with envy* "You lucky ba..." *mumble mumble* [not so serious off] Just joking. Although I cannot play at work (or more specifically: I should not...) I totally agree with you.
Oh did I mention I work 4 10's, Wed-Sat and only have to go into the office on Wednesdays? Does that help?
*mumble mumble* You are so mean... *sits in a corner and cries* €dit: And now back to work... before my boss sees me typing in a forum for a second.
I've heard tell of such jobs. Specifically, the job where you wait at the top of an open manhole cover to ensure safety for the person working below and anybody else walking by. You have literally nothing to do if there's no emergency, so they let you play on your cell phone and stuff. Sounds like you've got the better version of that, huh?
Heh, kind of. Phone Tech support for hospital, reset password for Dr's, nurses, remote into their computers. Wednesdays are busy, Saturdays are dead.