How much money have you spent on Cardhunter?

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Tryan, Oct 6, 2013.


How much have you spent on Cardhunter

  1. Less than $25

  2. $25

  3. $25 - $50

  4. $50 - $75

  5. $75 - $99

  6. $100+

  1. piotras

    piotras Goblin Champion

    now that would kick some serious, serious ass

    if it was giving out treasures at the end of it too then it would take a lot of people out of multiplayer (i.e. the ones who play their 1-3 MP match wins a day for the loot)
    but still, I would love to see that option in!
  2. Paprika2215

    Paprika2215 Mushroom Warrior

    I spent 25 Euros. Yup, I'm from Europe. :p I bought the Basic Edition primarily because of the treasure hunts -- the extra figures and a month of membership for the Card Hunter Club is a nice addition. I will very likely spend more money on Card Hunter, mainly because I'm very much enjoying this game and would love to see new content added. And of course, I'd also like to support Blue Manchu for creating such a great game -- this is their first try, am I right? Well, they did smashingly! Card Hunter is already so much fun as it is, and it's only been live for about a month! Imagine how a game this good can get even better! But for that to happen, Blue Manchu needs money. While I won't throw hundreds of Euros at them, I will surely support them as long as I continue to play Card Hunter! :D

    To Blue Manchu's members: I love Card Hunter, and I'm very impressed that this game turned out so great. It was a risky move to combine classic D&D and CCGs, but it makes it all the more amazing, if you ask me. I see the potential in Card Hunter, and I hope that this already great game will grow to be one of the best browser-based games out there! I've already spread the word about CH on my Facebook page and told all my friends about it, so hopefully they will enjoy Card Hunting as much as I do! Blue Manchu, keep up the good work! Expect to get more money from me when my current club membership expires. ;)
  3. Gentlecow

    Gentlecow Orc Soldier

    Well... it's their first try as a company called Blue Manchu. But they're a small team of what can only be described as absolute industry veterans.
  4. Paprika2215

    Paprika2215 Mushroom Warrior

    Yeah, I know that, but I meant that it's new to them to create a game like this -- a free-to-play browser game, I mean. I read an interview with Jon Chey in which he said something like that... if only I could recall where I read that interview. If I did, I'd post a link here to prove it, haha. :cool:
  5. SystemIsDown

    SystemIsDown Mushroom Warrior

    $25 on the basic edition. Will probably spend more to keep my club membership going as long as this game keeps my interest. Which will probably be a long time. Great game!
  6. OneMoreNameless

    OneMoreNameless Goblin Champion

    $20, for treasure hunts + membership. I don't care that much for the current PvP and I'm just about done with (what I can manage of) the campaign and quests, so I won't be spending any more money until/unless there's a seriously large expansion released.


    As of now, $45, and that includes the basic starter edition, and to support the developers into improving the game. I've been enjoying the game, and I like the extra figures you can get.
  8. Forduc

    Forduc Orc Soldier

    I spend $50 to get both of the "preorder figures"

    But well, I played through the campaign during the beta and it was very interesting and original.
  9. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    I would actually kill love to be able to buy the open beta only figures, those are juicy :'(
  10. dnd_greg

    dnd_greg Kobold

    I had a fun time on the first few levels, and spent $25. It's getting a bit hard and frustrating at the moment though. Dang goblins block almost everything and there are a dozen of them plus bosses... they have such a large card pool that I quickly become overrun. I really like the concept and artwork. Wish I could tone down the difficulty or draw a couple of more cards depending on enemy numbers. ​
  11. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    Every kind of monster kind of comes with weaknesses and you're supposed to devise a different deck/strategy depending on what is that you're going to fight.

    Trust me, you'll rapidly get the gist of it and once you master the basics you'll soon be able to come on top of large packs of enemies like it was nothing ;)

    Also big props for supporting such an awesome game.
  12. elohir

    elohir Kobold

    $25 for the basic edition, just because I thought it was a smart idea and had a lot of potential. However that was before I realised the entire game is built around a fundamental time sink to encourage P2W.

    Won't be spending any more money on it, and probably won't return to the game after today either.
  13. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Out of curiousity - would you care to expand on how you feel the game is built around P2W?
  14. elohir

    elohir Kobold

    Sure. Like I said my initial impressions of the game were really positive. It looked like a fun, upbeat game that had had a lot of thought put into it. I played a few levels to get used to the controls/mechanics and everything looked good. I read up a little on reviews (which was probably a mistake in hindsight), read a little through the website & decided to pay up to support what looked like a really good idea.

    Fast forward a few hours, and after a sudden and significant spike in difficulty, get to missions that cause me to restart over and over again. Figuring I must be missing something I jump back to the site / forum and the concensus seems to be 'if you want to win, you need to equip the correct cards for the encounter'. That sounds fair enough, I go back to the game, check out all the gear in my pack, and it's trash. All of it. Even the stuff I have equipped that's (give or take) my best stuff only gives me a workable hand maybe half the time, and so the stuff that didn't make it into my hand is worthless (the only exception being swapping out aoe chopping axes for ranged spears depending on encounter).

    Fair enough, I thought, they must just want you to grind lower level encounters for the good (and varied) kit you need to have before you can progress. That isn't a fun mechanic, but oh well no big deal, a little replaying wont hurt. So, I go back to the map to replay the areas - to get the gear - that allows me to progress..... aaaand they're locked. The game tells me I can't play them and if I want even a chance at getting decent gear I should stop playing the game and come back tomorrow, to replay the same areas, to have a chance to earn random loot that may be somehow relevant to the encounters that are blocking me.

    Or, I could yknow, just buy it.

    My choice, the games totally leaving it up to me, I can turn off the game, wait 24 hours and do the same for the next week hoping to get a relevant bit of gear........or I can just push this paypal button and be instantaneously showered in epic gear.

    If that sounds bitter, it's because I am. :D Given the games intro and its style, I really didn't expect to hit the free to pay wall like that. At least not this soon, and not to buy core gameplay items.

    It's a shame too, because as long as the core gameplay was fun and had investment into a decent single player I'd have happily parted with money for bells and whistles and been perfectly fine with it, but making it the core sink of the game just isn't for me.

    tl;dr: Limiting game progress on gear, and selling gear, is selling progress. Or paying to win. (imo)
  15. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    I'll say this - I have spent money on the game - basically equal to the BE (treasure hunts, club membership - but no chests) with no replaying or even multiplayer, and I don't agree with you about it needing to pay for the campaign. In the beta I beat the campaign as a straight F2p player - but did play a lot of mp for the loot. It's likely more an issue with the classic "your mileage may vary" than it being P2w or not - this I don't intend to be rude in any way, but based on my time with the game (since february) it's far from what I believe to be true.

    And considering you had a club membership, and still suffered issues with difficulty is hard to understand. Did you feel like it was down to lack of loot or was it based around "hard" adventures?
  16. elohir

    elohir Kobold

    No offence taken in the slightest, and you may well be right. I suppose if I'd just wanted a PVP card client, my experience may well have been different - though if I wanted a PVP cardgame I'd just go grab a deck from the cupboard and get a P to V me. :D
  17. elohir

    elohir Kobold

    Actually, maybe you hit the nail on the head there. I'd assumed this was effectively a single player game with an optional PVP capability, but I've heard a few people mention using PVP to progress.

    Sorry for double-posting. Edit doesn't seem to work for me.
  18. Mirkel

    Mirkel Goblin Champion

    Or you could go check the shops that sell stuff for a few gold of in-game money. If you know what you are doing, you can easily finish the single player campaign with just common items. Given how the game works, it's easy to blame the luck or the gear even if it is an issue with your skills.
  19. elohir

    elohir Kobold

    I do appreciate the veiled insult, but I've already used the shop wherever I can. Also, I'm not blaming luck or the gear - relying on randomised drops is a perfectly common mechanic.
  20. ChosenUndead

    ChosenUndead Mushroom Warrior

    135 $!!!!!!!!!! Anyone else?

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