Spark Generator card not working.

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by MagicLance, Oct 9, 2013.

  1. MagicLance

    MagicLance Mushroom Warrior

    I looked around and back for a few pages but could not find anything relevant so here it goes.
    Dwarf wizard. Acquired it around lvl4. Gained it through Used 3 different items that allowed for this Trait.
    None worked. Not over 2 weeks of play in over 10 fights.
    Despite it popping up and saying it gives the +2 damage bonus it never actually got applied.
    The log shows the same.
    If a copy of the log is really needed then I will provide it of course.
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Check if cards you are using have arcane magic damage type (various zaps), then Spark Generator just makes it harder to block. The + damage only applies to electrical damage.
    Zoorland likes this.
  3. Zoorland

    Zoorland Goblin Champion

    Please provide the log, because I suspect you are playing Arcane damage cards instead of Electric damage cards, but I can't be sure because you did not specify.

    For Arcane (many of which have "Zap" in the name) attacks it gives a Hard To Block effect, not extra damage. The extra damage only applies to Electrical attacks (most of which have "Spark" in the name).
  4. MagicLance

    MagicLance Mushroom Warrior

    Whoops:oops: Just tried it out again and it behaved like you guys stated.
    Sorry, was kind of an obvious plunder on my side since I could not find any relevant bug thread about his and since it is something that people would surely gripe about if it did not work. (could have sworn ... need spectacles perhaps)
    Thanks for the quick explanation Pengwin and Zoorland. :)
  5. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Well, you're not the first one to make this misstake - so don't feel bad. It's part of the learning experience! We're just happy to help clear up stuff that's not bugs so the devs can concentrate on the real ones :)

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