I'd like to see what my opponent was holding when the game ends. Win or lose, it'd be nice to know if they were bluffing, etc. If that's not an option, I should at least be able to see the cards of the character I killed, if that's how the game ends.
Werent you bashing my show card pool thread? Arent you one of those "The game is fine. The only thing that's wrong is other players" guys?
I haven't checked what pliers said in that thread, but I think it's pretty clear that the two suggestions are completely different. The other thread is about showing which cards are in a deck during an unfinished match. This thread is about revealing which cards are in a character's hand and the end of a match.
What? I didn't realize that giving my opinion in a different thread was a personal attack on you. This is specifically about after a game is over. They're entirely different scenarios.
It would be nice if the game doesnt just abruptly ends, thus allowing the battle log to finish, discard all cards on the dead character's hand, resolving any unfinished chain, reveal everyone's hand, and give us time to chat in our own channel for a while before quiting to the lobby. Given how the victory condition is currently coded, that's some big change for it to be possible. I'll be patient.
Actually, I've been wondering about game history. We've got leaderboard, we've got results but any history requires data extraction from the console. A small icon to click in the MP lobby for players to see another table with the remaining cards on hand, final card played, average damage dealt, average moves/turn, statistics etc would be useful.