Cast glob of fire and Ember Spray on the Priest (Pokkin) in White Star: Motherlode. Start of the following turn, he takes 1 damage for the Ember Spray but nothing for the Glob of Flame. Am I missing something here? Player name : Mondomau Presence,TriggeringActor=Anskak,AffectedActors=,TriggerType=StartTurn,TriggerLocation=ActorAttachment BATTLE LOG: Player=Mondomau,Scenario=Mother Lode,Room=WHST (Mondomau),RoomID=28609,Event=TriggerSucceed,Trigger=Ember Spray,TriggeringActor=Anskak,AffectedActors=,TriggerType=StartTurn,TriggerLocation=ActorAttachment BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Mother Lode,Room=WHST (Mondomau),RoomID=28609,Msg=Anskak took 1 damage BATTLE LOG: Player=Mondomau,Scenario=Mother Lode,Room=WHST (Mondomau),RoomID=28609,Event=TriggerSucceed,Trigger=Glob of Flame,TriggeringActor=Pokkin,AffectedActors=,TriggerType=StartTurn,TriggerLocation=ActorAttachment BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Mother Lode,Room=WHST (Mondomau),RoomID=28609,Msg=Pokkin took 3 damage BATTLE LOG: Player=Mondomau,Scenario=Mother Lode,Room=WHST (Mondomau),RoomID=28609,Event=TriggerSucceed,Trigger=Ember Spray,TriggeringActor=Pokkin,AffectedActors=,TriggerType=StartTurn,TriggerLocation=ActorAttachment Cheers
For some reason, I can't edit the post above - but please ignore. I did miss something - he'd healed himself in between me damaging him in the previous round and the beginning of this round. On another note, I have had heavy armour (2+ ) fail three times in a row on this map. Talk about bad luck!