New Adventures

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Card Hunter Joe, Sep 27, 2013.

  1. Card Hunter Joe

    Card Hunter Joe Blue Manchu

    What would you like to see in new single player adventures?
  2. Andrew Talbot

    Andrew Talbot Mushroom Warrior

    I saw it written on here before, and I agreed with the poster, that a randomly occurring roguelike dungeon would be cool that could be repeated for full benefits but also never be the same twice.

    It may be tough to program though, I'm not familiar enough with programming to know.

    Edit: Something like a random tournament style could be cool, randomly 4-6 stages. Opponents could even be themed like they were a team of players at an Xcrawl league or something. Enemy clerics supporting a demon, or Wizards with sprites, no sense needing to stick to standard teams really.
  3. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Maybe you should clarify if you're looking for new adventure settings and such, or this thread will get flooded with "new feature x" an coop requests - which we all want btw. :)

    Within the confine of the current game, I'd like more of Gary and fam meta. And maybe someone new - Game store guy? Cardhuntria Lore - MOAR! More monsters, making fun of old rpg tropes (killing rats et c). Basically extra topping for an already great desert.
    Flaxative likes this.
  4. Zalminen

    Zalminen Hydra

    I'd again suggest a trapped maze type of adventure.

    VP squares at the other end of the map. Statues that could only shoot, not move. With heroes possibly being chased by something slow and nasty.
  5. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Whoa, did you see my contest entry? ;)

    That being said, trapped mazes would be awesome. Esp if you can add some more tricks to the current game. Somewhat limited setup to be able to create that atm.
  6. Zalminen

    Zalminen Hydra

    Heh, something like that yes. Although your contest entry is a tad straight for a maze :p
  7. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Yeah, I guess I wanted to make fun of the Tomb of Horrors, which I never got to play, and make it more mundane - but 2 out 3 (slow nasty pursuers + statues) ain't that bad. ;)
    Zalminen likes this.
  8. Plot wise, You've left a thread hanging with Lord Stafford's son. (There is a letter to him in Compass of Xorr). Bet he's not going to be happy with the Murderous Hobos Adventurers who did for his poor old pa (and stole his inheritance too). I'd like to see that being explored.

    Maybe a trip to the realms on the other side of the Gem-portals. Filled with demons, and each adventure board having some specific (Weird) environmental effect that attaches to all pieces as a recurring duration 1 attachment. (examples: Arcane Interferance - If this model is successfully targetted by a magic card, the caster suffers 1 arcane damage, which bypasses armour. Burning air - Burning 1 Duration 1. Temporal Flux - non-Step movement cards have their distances randomised to the value of a D6 when played)
    Pengw1n likes this.
  9. Boards (maybe in seperate pieces, but with LoS across) containing portals that teleport you randomly. VP squares on the central chunk (portal D6 roll of 6 to get there), random spawn points on sections 1-5 (1 PC, 1 NPC on each)
  10. Werewolves. starts as a Group of humans. Deck contains 'Were-Shift' cards that removes the playing npc human (for no VP) and replaces with solo monster 'Werewolf' with new deck.

    The werewolves are muscle for a cult run by a mad druid who wants to destroy man's influence over nature. Werewolves/cultists, Full werewolves (already transformed), Sentient Trees, Insane druid with nature-y spells (Entangling roots, Mud-pool, lightning bolts, mix of arcane and holy spells etc.)
  11. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Yeah, a lot of unfinished business - are there more war monkeys - Gorilla (Warilla!) Golems? Who's behind the demon portals (maybe even Aloysius himself? He seems to be up to no good, getting into all that trouble...)

    That being said, I'd be fun if there were some small linked adventures - maybe have maps with "states" as the Greenfang introduction, where you replay battles on the same map as part of an ongoing event.
  12. Assussanni

    Assussanni Ogre

    New monsters, new monster decks, ideally new cards. Or interesting mixes of existing monsters, either in a single map or throughout the adventure. The current adventure with jellies (Amorphous Body) and skeletons (Only Bones) was fun, as was the monkey interlude in one of the tree adventures.

    I miss the 2nd adventure in Melvelous the Magnificent where all your characters started separated from each other. I liked that, it presented a new and different challenge.

    And, if what I wouldn't want to see in new adventures is useful: highly randomised start positions. See the 2nd adventure in the gladiator arena vs. the dwarf and his zombies.
  13. renders

    renders Kobold

    I wanna see ghosts,witches,maybe even fight against other elves and dwarves that are not in arena.
  14. Further exploration into the [Redacted] caves beneath the Gnome cities, to root out the [REDACTED] menace.
  15. Andrew Talbot

    Andrew Talbot Mushroom Warrior

    That you Bowman?
  16. [REDACTED]
  17. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Just repeating this question. 'Cause I could talk ALL DAY if given no direction.
  18. renders

    renders Kobold

    I also wanna see maybe another mission like cockroach one wth a christmas theme,fighting snowmans and elves and eventually a brainwashed santa
    Maybe a water themed mission too,with pirates or water creatures whatever
    And a dessert themed campaign with a arabian night feel maybe,with stuff like djinns,warriors with turbans,geenies,quicksand as a new enviroment like lava thingy
    heck maybe even a volcano themed campaign
    tolkien likes this.
  19. OneMoreNameless

    OneMoreNameless Goblin Champion

    Candy mountain adventure, as written by a younger sister of Karen. Unicorns with healing auras. Butterflies with taunt and stealthy attacks. A rainbow of palette-swapped monsters guarding a 'pot of gold' victory location. Chocolate frogs that teleport around the map and have a trait card that heals whoever owns the card that kills it (with munching death SFX). Cute baby trogs. Cute baby Melvelous! Not even sure if I'm serious any more.
    tolkien, Flaxative and Aldones like this.
  20. kogi

    kogi Ogre

    :D Don't care as long as it's soon. Would really like the lv 17+ shop open

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