Thanks for all the awesome discussion & suggestions. A great thing about using bbcode to mark these up is that we can retrospectively change what that markup means. For example, if we found that people were using these a lot but were very frustrated with wikia, we could start a new wiki and have all the existing card and item and generic wiki links point there instead. If we decide we don't like the formatting we can change that. If we find time to add item and card info popups within the forum then again, that could be added and would automatically apply to all existing references. Ben's working on some icon art now, and once he's happy with it I'll add the new tags.
Testing testing, one two three... My Stumbling Sandals caused me to Trip into a barrel. EDIT: Okay, I managed to get the icons working also -> they're the new ones on the right hand side of the rich text editor. I've also changed the default colour for links so that you can actually see them before you hover. Now back to preparing the beta...
This Thread has rendered me Dumbstruck with its implications for developer/gamer responsiveness. Hmm, I don't see any font change on that last one. I see a change in the post from Farbs, though. Edit: whoops, now I see the font color change. It's still iffy, since it's just like normal links (and their similarity to normal font color), but I can work with it. Especially since it doesn't get erased (unlike "url=" instructions) when editing or quoting! Yippee!
I honestly expected maybe two replies saying, "Eh, not worried" or "Doesn't matter. What happens, happens." Once again, we prove that this is a community that cares. Thanks (and Likes) to everybody who participated. Awesome! A special thanks to Farbs for turning Ideas into Bbcode. And to Ben for the new icons. Now we just need a wiki with, you know, pages full of stuff. And I might advocate an overlay rather than page link, but hey! It's already more than I expected.
I just clicked on the markups above and from the pov of a newbie forumer... erm ... I hope that whoever created the wikia doesn't get his/her feelings hurt but we definitely need a new proper wiki... My suggestion is to have something up, preferably on Blue Manchu's servers itself after/during beta. At the very least, beta-testers can check if game mechanics are WAI and we don't have to read too many "Is this a bug ?" posts. Then again, Card Hunter Wiki (CHuWi or CaHuWi) deserves its own thread.
We're a little flat out at the moment trying to make this beta happen, so I don't think we'll see an official wiki any time soon. If folks here want to start a new one somewhere though I'd be happy to redirect the bbcode tags.
Is it just me, or do other people not like that big blue banner at the top? I find it rather ugly, and it doesn't match perfectly with the other colors.
In the spirit of continuing to prove that this is a community of caring and putting our money where our mouth is, I give you...! It's ugly and empty right now, but it's there, and it's not on Wikia, and it's ours. It also shouldn't be a huge hassle to port over to the official website if and when that becomes a thing that should happen. Grand. Anyway, feel free to wander over and start adding/editing pages and whatnot as you please. I, however, have just spent my evening setting up a wiki, so I'm going to go pass out.
That's nice and clean. Thanks Roshirai! I've updated the bbcode stuff. Links on old cached pages might not have transitioned yet, but you can refresh the page (Ctrl-R in most browsers) to fix that. Usually I'd blast out the cache, which would fix this, but it didn't seem necessary given how few times this stuff has been used so far.
Well. I finished creating one using Google sites, came over here....saw cardhuntria...delete site ! Now its time to make that wiki thread and sticky it...
That's . . . astounding! (Who would have known mere mortals could set up a wiki page?) I MEAN what a magnitude of improvement over the other one! And what a wonderful way to establish for future generations of gamers--those who might not hear the term "Cardhuntria," if Blue Manchu ever gets around to giving the world a "real" label--the glorious name that called us together this day. And it's even spelled correctly! Since when does that sort of thing happen on the internet?
Not only that, but Arcing Zap, Bad Medicine, Bash, Crushing Gauntlets, Dazing Bolt and Devastating Bash have meaningful, if simple, pages. The new bbcode works!
Hmm. We'll want to extract item and card graphics somehow to reference on those pages. Will we have to use screen captures, or will we actually be able to get them from the servers?
lol, as long as permissions are given....anyone can use uploaded jpgs to the wiki for use. I have already uploaded Stunning Bash as a test. I think the pictures in the blog are not final tho, so it might be better to wait a while. Try to use the wiki as a central collection of info rather than graphics. Edit: mighty mushrooom beat virtually every other known mushroom in this universe to be the 1st ever mushroom to upload most card hunter pics to the wiki and create dedicated pages for each one.
For the time being I don't see any reason why we shouldn't upload the blog pictures of the cards. If nothing else it establishes more detail and information on the website for others, and can easily be swapped out when the final cards are released. Just add that the art is not final. Oh, and GJ on Cardhuntria.