Playing the game is fine but starting missions and the transition to get loot, waiting for chests to render so I can click the loot button takes forever. I've had no issues in the past few days. I've been playing various lvl 1-4 missions today and they are all the same.
I'm seeing it as well. The game is refusing to advance -- I got the xp at the end of a module, but I'm waiting for the loot chest to be clickable. The last time I finished a module and it hung like this I returned to the map, but that seems to have dumped the loot chest altogether. Now I'm just going to sit on it until it pops. Assuming that it pops at all. ---- Late edit -- it advanced after I finished the forum post. It must have been listening.
Yup. Lots of lag here today too. The battles themselves run fine, but the time inbetween screens is far, far longer.
Just got home from class, but experiencing major lag/delay between screens. I tried looting a chest at the end of a mission but the loading never ended and I got tired waiting so I just closed it. - with dev reply.