Pathfinding bug

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Ramylae, Sep 20, 2013.

  1. Ramylae

    Ramylae Kobold

    I've had this happen 3 times now, but not always. I click Pathfinding and after finding one, but before finishing going through the deck, it locks up and simply sits there with the Pathfinding card in the middle of the screen. The only way to get out of it is to refresh the browser.
  2. Assussanni

    Assussanni Ogre

    That's very strange. If it happens again it might be helpful for the devs to see a copy of the log. Instructions are in the How to Report Bugs thread, but I'll repost them here for convenience:
  3. Ramylae

    Ramylae Kobold

    Ok, I'll grab the log next time it happens. Thanks! :)
  4. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    . . . Though that post needs to update the instructions a little: if you type the command "clip" (with no quotation marks) into the console and hit enter, your computer will copy everything in the whole log. Then you can use an ordinary word processor to paste the log, scroll more efficiently to the bottom, and check out anything of interest.
    PIZZA likes this.
  5. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Can't repro....pathfinding worked fine for both moves and step cards... :(

    Ngween goes searching for movement cards
    Ngween drew Cautious Sneak.
    Ngween drew Cloth Armor.
    Ngween discarded Cloth Armor.
    Ngween drew Simple Strike.
    Ngween discarded Simple Strike.
    Ngween drew Weak Strike.
    Ngween discarded Weak Strike.
    Ngween drew Walk.
    Rot attacks Ngween and hopes other zombies join in!

    Ngween goes searching for movement cards
    Ngween drew Bludgeon.
    Ngween discarded Bludgeon.
    Ngween drew Lunging Strike.
    Ngween drew Cloth Armor.
    Ngween discarded Cloth Armor.
    Ngween drew Unreliable Block.
    Ngween discarded Unreliable Block.
    Ngween drew Weak Strike.
    Ngween discarded Weak Strike.
    Ngween drew Cloth Armor.
    Ngween discarded Cloth Armor.
    Ngween drew Backbiting Strike.
    Ngween discarded Backbiting Strike.
    Ngween drew Mighty Hack.
    Ngween discarded Mighty Hack.
    Ngween drew Bludgeon.
    Ngween discarded Bludgeon.
    Ngween drew Lunging Hack.

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