PVP is horrible

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Azrell, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. Azrell

    Azrell Kobold

    1- the random card system is a very, very bad idea for pvp. All too often the match just comes down to drawing the right cards and not playing the right cards.
    2- the random card system sucks. Drawing all movement or all attack cards then having to discard them only to be stuck without what you need to blows. What good is a fighter that dosnt fight or wizard that cant cast spells?
    3- the random card system needs to go. Game needs to have a dedicated movement draw and attack draw so that each character has at minimum an attack and move option each round. Increasing the hand size would also help to alleviate the problem, but not as well as having a dedicated draw system.
    4- Lava is OP. Why does lava do more dmg than anything else in the game?

    basically, fix the busted random card system, so you can play the game instead of the cards playing it for you.
  2. Barkam

    Barkam Mushroom Warrior

    Um... While I agree that there is a lot of variance and can decide the match, there is still a lot of skill. That is exemplified by those that are in the top 10 are consistently up there in the leaderboards. Remember variance goes both ways. You just need to accept the fact that the game is what it is.

    With that said, I am intrigued by the idea of a guaranteed 1 attack card pet turn like movement cards. However, that will diminish severely the value of card draw and cycle cards.

    Bottom line is that you still have a lot to learn about the game and how to play well. This is shown the fact that you think lava is OP and you think it does the most damage. Warriors can deal 17 damage with one card
  3. Thorik

    Thorik Kobold

    Twenty, if they're truly unruly. :) The Hackmaster

    Also there are a lot of ways to deal with lava/terrain debuffs. Hover, certain types of armor, team movement cards, pushes, whirlwinds, etc. From my own experience, terrain attacks are only really worrisome when paired with a control/encumbrance wizard.

    [edited to fix card link]
  4. pliers

    pliers Goblin Champion

    The random card system is a requirement for multiplayer in this type of game. What card game allows you to put your deck in the order you want? in MtG, you might get 0 lands on turn 1 and might get 7. Randomness is a core function of the genre. If you're getting too much movement or too many attacks, you should be gearing around it. Try to have step moves. Have team moves. Have cards that let you draw new cards. Have ranged cards. Have cards to encumber the enemy so you can catch up.

    Lava doesn't do more damage than anything. Lightning spells go up to 9, without a trait or buff boost. Melee attacks on COMMON 18 weapons often *start* at 11, and go to 17+. Also ground effects are a huge portion of this game. You can remove them with a priest spell, cover them with your own (only 1 per square), or conserve movement cards so you can get out of it. It's an awesome part of the game - I have a hidden movement card, so I bait their lava, then move out of it and pound on them. Or I hold a movement card so they CAN'T cast their lava, and now they have to discard something else. Have movement cards, push moves, use resistant hide armor, stay out of line of sight of the wizard, etc. There are TONS of options besides just standing in the wizard's lava. Or have your wizard use it too, and literally fight fire with fire.

    The randomness and strategic depth allow for phenomenal PvP matches. I wouldn't have it any other way.
  5. Megadestructo

    Megadestructo Shark Card

    Honest question to Azrell: have you played a CCG before? Because part of the strategy is building your deck so that the chances of you drawing all movement in the first round (much like drawing an entire hand of mana in MTG) is minimized. :)
  6. Angry Penguin

    Angry Penguin Mushroom Warrior

    The game would not be the current game with the random draw component. Honestly there are times when I wish movement cards were random as well and we just drew 3 cards a turn but I understand the design reasons why they went with one movement card each turn.
  7. kogi

    kogi Ogre

  8. renders

    renders Kobold

    where do u get the hackmaster from?
  9. Thorik

    Thorik Kobold

    Loot is random (with a few sparse exceptions, such as Hand Of Melvelous). Hackmaster is a legendary, so it can be quite tough to acquire.
  10. Azrell

    Azrell Kobold

    so basically: loot is random + cards are random = results are random.

    with a spread on dmg cards from 2-17, skill is not something that will ever determine a game. Games based on player skill aim to have both players start on equal footing, games based on a pay to win structure require that you dish out more money to have a better chance of getting the tools you need to win. this game is the latter.
  11. Assussanni

    Assussanni Ogre

    Assuming that you equip your characters at random, yes. But wait, you can choose what items you want to take into battle and what cards go into your deck!
    Well, all items are available as loot in the game and loot can be acquired without having to face other people through the campaign. And even if you decide that there's no skill in the game and it's all decided by loot, that means that people with a similar rating to you are probably going to have a similar quality of items. So you can still play multiplayer and acquire new items. None of this makes me think pay-to-win.
    Aldones, karadoc and Keyser like this.
  12. Megadestructo

    Megadestructo Shark Card

    Building your deck is not random. Filling it with cards that will do well is not random. Any deck building game is like that: a lot of the strategy is within the building (or, in Card Hunter, equipping) process. The people who triumph in MP regularly and consistently don't necessarily have only the best gear ever. They're there because they know the cards inside and out and are smart, tactical players.

    Shouting "random!!!" isn't going to change the fact that while, yes, randomness is *part* of the game it's not the end-all, be-all of it.
  13. Minmaxer

    Minmaxer Kobold

    I have a Wizard in MP with 11 Traits and 12 Frost Spells, so basically half my deck is frost spells. The two weapons are rare and everything else is common or uncommon. If you build redundancy into your deck very little is left up to chance.
    Megadestructo likes this.
  14. progammer

    progammer Ogre

    Gotta love Robe Of Lightness and Electroporter Novice I suppose :)
  15. Minmaxer

    Minmaxer Kobold

  16. kogi

    kogi Ogre

    Your maths is bad.

    loot is random + cards are random + how a deck is constructed + Skill in playing each hand = Win

    Link :D
    maurtheus likes this.
  17. Isotope-X

    Isotope-X Mushroom Warrior

    Which is just fine as long as you have someone else to do all that yucky killing for him.
  18. Minmaxer

    Minmaxer Kobold

    Well, she doesn't mind throwing people into the fire watching them burn.
    Aldones likes this.
  19. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    I have lost twice in like 25-30 matches and i haven't bought a single chest tho to be fair i did get a starter pack but i also replaced I'm pretty sure every single item from that pack. How did you do this mr awesome you might ask and let me tell you it was by picking the right cards for the deck based on what i expected to face combined with some forgiving luck. Just the same reason as why i lost twice people being prepared for what they face and some luck. If you dislike luck based games and some people do with a passion card games are not for you sadly. That said i think you should try it again and this time consider not only what you draw but also what your opponent has and how you can best beat it while not taking too big chances.
  20. Ghelas

    Ghelas Kobold

    @Wozarg: Please don't use the old "it seems fair to me" argument. Maybe you are exceptionally lucky, or exceptionally good at this game... But your personal experience is a sample pool of 1 player, so you can't make conclusions based on that alone. People keep speaking out against the amount of randomness being too high in this game, so maybe there's something to it.

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