[Suggestion] Animation Speed should speed up die rolls too

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Logan Hawkthorne, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. Logan Hawkthorne

    Logan Hawkthorne Mushroom Warrior

    I'm doing some adventures now and I'd like to get on with them quickly so I set Animation Speed to highest. Now I notice that this does not affect die rolls! so while everything else happens super fast, along comes a die roll and it seems soooo sloooow.
    Neofalcon, Gearbox and Gentlecow like this.
  2. Keyser

    Keyser Goblin Champion

    Yeah, try shooting off a firestorm against slews of wyverns with 2x grounding plates each. Note you can speed through animations by clicking repeatedly (useful in the waning moments of MP matches); however, when I did so against the wyverns, there was a weird animation bug where the die wasn't showing up right.
  3. Jim

    Jim Mushroom Warrior

    Indeed, after playing through the BETA first thing I did was up the animation speed only to be disappointing when it didn't speed up dice rolls.
    And yes you can click to speed them up, but that just leads to a number becoming "stuck" as a shown result.
  4. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    I'd also like it to affect level up animations, since the results shown can't be trusted anyway.
  5. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    I'm so in favour of this. I had a go at it a while back and it turned out to be harder than I thought it would be. You've inspired me to re-double my efforts though.
  6. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon


    Addendum to Kalin: would you be satisfied if level-up animations were corrected, and were untouched by speed controls, but you could click through them? Because, c'mon, they're shiny and sparkly.
  7. Logan Hawkthorne

    Logan Hawkthorne Mushroom Warrior

    uh, what is incorrect about level up animations? I think I missed this! :confused:
  8. Cyjack

    Cyjack Kobold

    Unlike animations, dice rolls are a calculation. I don't know if they're performed client side or server side, but you can only speed them up as fast as the hardware/net connection allows. If I have laggy dice rolls, I just assume it's from server lag, and there's nothing to be be done except optimizing the performance further, which the Devs are already on top of.
  9. progammer

    progammer Ogre

    I don't think that's what he meant. Once the client get the result of the dice roll, it will play the animation, which is usually not long. The client will wait for the dice results before it start showing the dice card. What happens when it lags is that you make a move, the client will freeze until the server responded with the result of that move (which confirm that move). Say you make an attack, the client will freeze with the attack card on screen, until the server responded with the result of any block, armor, and damage applied, then the client will display those animation in order, while the turn has already been passed to your opponent. This kinda is a benefit for a fast paced game, your client plays the animation while the next turn player is thinking.

    Despite all that, the long animations actually comes from the Hard To Block effects, which subtract from the roll. It takes 1-2 seconds to tick down the block value, quite distracting to me and I usually spam click to pass it. But then there's bug (reported) that cause the card (armor only, block is discarded most of the time) to remain enlarged on screen if I click too much :(
  10. Cyjack

    Cyjack Kobold


    Thanks for clarifying that!
  11. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Sometimes the XP animation will stop one short of the actual value, and when tokens get upgraded the sparkle shows up under the figure, not by the token itself.

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