What feature are you impatiently waiting for? What features are you sad about never seeing?

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Lawrence, Sep 14, 2013.

  1. Lawrence

    Lawrence Kobold

    I am psyched for the day I see..
    1) Multiplayer co-op runs. (This is the big one for me).
    2) New classes
    3) New cards (I hope they add a new rarity, I feel there should be items so rare you will never see them in a shop/rare shop and you can't even hope for one..)

    Things I am sad because this game will never see..
    1) Trading (A big thing in multiplayer games for me, but trading can kill this game possibly so I doupt we will see it).
  2. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Hell no why would you possibly want that and how would it be balanced? If its terrible its pointless and if its awesome its unfair.
    xienwolf likes this.
  3. prox

    prox Kobold

    The possibility to save different character loadouts. Too much inventory management in PvE.
  4. pliers

    pliers Goblin Champion

    That's what the save feature does, prox.
  5. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Pliers is correct, but it's called Store/Retrieve - might make it easier to find it. Look in the keep, bottom right.
    Logan Hawkthorne likes this.
  6. progammer

    progammer Ogre

    Moar save slot. I always have to sacrifice 1 slot to be the empty party. Give us the empty party button to free up my slot.

    Not necessarily wrong. There are already a lot of legendary, and every week 0-2 might show up in shop. My shop has only 1 legendary for the last 2 week. Having a legendary that does not spawn in shop (drop only) will be interesting, as long as that item is balanced like any other legendary. If anything, it helps arguing against the P2W argument.
  7. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Mine had none last week and two terrible ones this week. But what i understand him as saying is he wants cards that are unlikely that even most people who played for months would see and that is either unfair if its good or pointless if its bad. While its fine that flexible items and such is harder or simpler to get specific cards should not be locked out from people at that rate.
  8. prox

    prox Kobold

    Whoa perfect, thanks a lot!
  9. Lawrence

    Lawrence Kobold

    No programmer had the right idea on my legendary card want list. It's okay if they appear in the shop as he says, still makes them super hard to obtain ^^.
  10. Kawaiido

    Kawaiido Kobold

    More races and classes. I would like to have some Goblin Assassins.

    As for sad that will never be in here...TRADING. This is a huge deal to me. No Action Houses...straight up TRADING. The lack of it does bother me to the point where, I might still throw them SOME money now and then but not NEARLY the amount I would had.
  11. Vakaz

    Vakaz Guild Leader

    The big one for me is more multiplayer formats, -especially- some sort of drafting system.
  12. Chompman

    Chompman Mushroom Warrior

    Trading could get too easily abused with multiple accounts.

    A auction house could work much better as they could keep track of stuff easier not to mention set minimal prices.

    Otherwise a co-op mode and adding the class the game seems to be missing the most being a rogue to round out the normal 4 classes you see in this type of game.

    Especially as this lets custom maps work with traps.
  13. pliers

    pliers Goblin Champion

    The entire game revolves around finding items. Being able to trade them changes its very nature. Gear becomes even more of a problem, and would open things up to a secondary market where people pay each other for items, taking money away from the Devs as well as making it pay to win instead of free to play.
  14. Kawaiido

    Kawaiido Kobold

    I honestly think its lazy and extorting to NOT include trading in such a loot-centric game. If need be, put in some kind of paywall like having to pony up $20 in one transaction to make the trading possible if you absolutely must (its stupid, but at least trading will still be in). Auction Houses might be easier to keep track of, but its going to encourage P2W due to PIZZA TO GOLD transfers.

    YES, I could GRIND for that one Legendary that eludes me, but what if it NEVER DROPS!? I've had this happen to me before in other games and if it wasn't for the fact I could TRADE I would had dropped them like a horrid habit in a moments notice. I didn't get to play much of the beta, but from what I did play its stupid you can't find gold in chests (yes, there is treasure, but the decent ones don't drop enough, bonus fail points if the rewards you get for a quest that's a major pain isn't equal to or greater than the challenge you suffered through).

    If that Legendary doesn't drop for people, or if they get every Legendary but the one they're looking for, the game will not survive too long due to resell values on items being stupidly low and the inability to trade away items they don't like for stuff they do like.
  15. Horrorscope

    Horrorscope Kobold

    COOP. I can't believe there are so few coop PnP-Tabletop type experiences on the PC. Wizards of the Coast should have done this years ago.
  16. xienwolf

    xienwolf Goblin Champion

    The PvP was added late in development. The primary drive of the game is:
    1) The story/raw enjoyment factor
    2) Gear Acquisition

    Allowing a method of simply buying the exact piece of gear you want at any time absolutely destroys the second drive. You don't grind out the low level missions to get that legendary no-token item, you just pay some other schmuck to do it for you.

    It is NOT lazy and extorting. It is purposefully done to extend the replay value of the game. It may not be what you personally enjoy, that's cool. But it is what the game was designed for. This is meant for the people who enjoy collecting gear, and trying out new builds as they come across new items. Lack of an auction house FORCES you to try fitting in whatever your current best item is, rather than just hitting up a guide to see what is mathematically proven to be the best, and buying it directly.
  17. Chompman

    Chompman Mushroom Warrior

    I would love to see a pvp map without victory squares in them so you can actually focus more of the combat and not guarding tiles.

    And possibly a way for a person to select certain maps to battle on.
  18. pliers

    pliers Goblin Champion

    Victory points are a way to force people into combat. Otherwise, you could infinitely kite someone, or slowly kill them 2 damage at a time over a long period of time.
  19. xienwolf

    xienwolf Goblin Champion

    Agree with pliers, you will never see a Victory Point free map because that is far too in favor of elven wizards.

    I would however love to see a map with victory points on the four outside corners instead of in the middle. Preferably with no line of sight between any two points.
  20. Mostrengo

    Mostrengo Kobold

    I just registered to say that putting in trade would ruin the gameplay experience like xienwolf said.

    and Yes multiplayer co-op runs would be the top priority in terms of features, alongside new itens and cards :D

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