Markov manipulation

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Harageth, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. Harageth

    Harageth Kobold

    So first off let me say that I love the fact that when building your deck your cards automatically trigger and the idea that you can't purposefully hold cards in reserve for in case the opponent plays a big attack. This being said I think it would be pretty sweet to have some epic level cards that allows a slight manipulation of the rules or allows for cards to be withheld in certain instances (I am thinking of some sort of trait card with a duration of 2 or something).
  2. Snacksmoto

    Snacksmoto Mushroom Warrior

    Off the top of my head, the only card I can think of that "breaks" the regular rules is Officer's Harness, specifically the rule about keeping a maximum of two cards to carry over into the next round. The Officer's Harness doesn't count towards that limit.
  3. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    There's been mention of the devs holding back cards that would have card manipulation work differently - I think it was based on your discard pile et c. We don't know much more, but it's possibly related to Rogues, as that's the class they're holding back - and they seemed to want it to be something special.
  4. kogi

    kogi Ogre

    Mind Worm?
  5. Snacksmoto

    Snacksmoto Mushroom Warrior

    Interesting. I managed to just get past unlocking The Goblin Bazaar in beta. Never came across that card even through the shops.
  6. Harageth

    Harageth Kobold

    I have seen Mind Worm and I use Officer's Harness. I like the idea that they are holding things back for latter release too. Iron them out and check some balancing before releasing them. Because anything along the lines of what I am mentioning here is pretty powerful. I was also reading a thread yesterday about how if someone passes and then you use a card with cantrip then pass then you get to go first on the next round (still searching for that thread again and when I find it I will edit this post and add it in).
  7. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

  8. Jotun

    Jotun Mushroom Warrior

    yes, i do that all the time with warcry or flanking move. Pretty sure this is a feature, not a bug.
  9. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Yup, it's a feature as mentioned by Jon in that thread - and something I agree with.
  10. Jotun

    Jotun Mushroom Warrior

    oh he had a response in that thread? didn't realize it.

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