Quick build notes for what is in the initial release build. Not much changed from the last Beta build, but we did rotate back in the old multiplayer boards (minus the unpopular Dungeon board). You'll also find the new Basic Edition bundle in the pizza menu (we had to take out the $5 pizza offer to make room for it). The old Beta specials are now gone. If you managed to acquire one or both of the exclusive Beta figures, congratulations - these are now collector's items! Of course, the big things are: no beta keys required for registration anymore and we won't be resetting accounts again! Pizza Basic Edition added, $5 pizza SKU removed, Beta specials ended. Multiplayer Rotated in the old MP boards (minus dungeon). Tutorial Fixed the first loot drop prompt not going away until an item is dropped. Terms of Service Updated terms of service to remove Beta reference. Figures Reverted figure prices of all figures in the launch bundle / credited to beta pizza purchasers.
I'm so glad to see this happen. Now, to celebrate in the traditional manner: by sitting in front of a computer and clicking on things! With gusto!
Hy eveyone, I'm trying to enter the game after having registered but I'm stuck in the "checking server status" screen.... it lasts forever.....any suggestion? Thanx
Thanks for reporting this. Can you check that you have the latest version of flash installed? The game is supposed to let you know when this is a problem, however this system might not be working properly.
Solved. As Farbs said, Flash was not updated but the game did not tell it to me. Thanks you very much
Congratulations. You guys did a good job of listening to the beta testers and working out most of the kinks. The only problem left is WWE. Won't be more than 2 months before everyone is spamming that card.
Yes, except backwards in time, and about 6 months instead of 2. Because that's when everyone started spamming that card. . . . Sorry, to be less rude: the debate for this and other cards is ongoing, and I know you're right there with us in trying to make the game better.
I'm referring to the fact that the game was reset. So I'm giving it 2 months before people farm enough to acquire this card en masse.