Connection Resuming?

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Dwedit, Sep 2, 2013.

  1. Dwedit

    Dwedit Goblin Champion

    Will we ever see connection resuming added to the game?
  2. Keyser

    Keyser Goblin Champion

  3. Heretiick

    Heretiick Goblin Champion

    This will eventually be implemented though no timetable has been announced.
  4. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Jason is working on it right now. He had to pause for a while as we get ready for release, so it won't be added pre-release. However, it's still a priority.
  5. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Thank you thank you thank you! As one of the people with terrible connections this will save me so much grief in the long run.
  6. j-wiz

    j-wiz Blue Manchu Staff Member

    As Jon said - it's one of my top post-release priorities.

    For a little behind-the-scenes view: support for reconnecting to a game in progress is what brought us spectator mode, since re-establishing game state was a first step in getting a player back into their game.
  7. Blindsight

    Blindsight Ogre

    Well you know it is a well supported effort! May even cut down on people stalling.

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