3 Priest Exploit

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by ttsukasa, Aug 24, 2013.

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  1. ttsukasa

    ttsukasa Mushroom Warrior

    Players such as DevourKing are abusing an exploit using 3 priest to draw unlimited amounts of cards during the first round. There is absolutely nothing fun in the game about waiting 20minutes as the guy draws his entire deck. I think this is counter productive and pretty much lame. please fix this or at least punish players who exploit such glitches/exploits.

    Players like these are the reason I believe we shouldn't' have any reward for the top elo players when beta ends, because its too easy to exploit said combos and others in order to artificially inflate your rankings.
  2. DevourKing

    DevourKing Kobold

    Well after discussing about this, you were entirely rude and obnoxious to me. The reasons stated on this match up i have already spoken personally to you.

    A) The exploit will be fixed tomorrow, and I stated this because I didn't want you to feel as if you would find tons of 3 priests infinite draws, and that the game is broken for it. The Devs do really well with listening to these complaints and have made a good step in changing it.
    B) I haven't personally played a match previously where infinite draw actually happened for me, so curiosity sprung to my mind. I personally learned something new from that, in the way that the deck seems to reshuffle on every turn change. I may of been able to find that information if I was looking for it, but it never occurred to me to ask.
    C) We are still in beta, and there are still some exploits other than Talented Healer, the argument about how cards that ignore LOS for example, could become OP, or even Cantrip cards, and yea, whilst they aren't as exploitative as an infinite draw, (hence why the fix is coming) they do need to be closely monitored.
  3. ttsukasa

    ttsukasa Mushroom Warrior

    When i first joined the game about a week and a half ago, I was paired against you as my third match ever in multiplayer, you were using the same 3priest talented healer deck that you are using today.

    It was a very negative experince for meand there was VERY little counter play (press pass for 20 minutes, then 1 of your 3champions with 20ish cards uses sprint/wild run to move to everyone and kill them systematically). Today you are CONTINUING to abuse this KNOWN exploit with reckless abandon. You are effectively trolling anyone who has the displeasure of being paired with you to begin with. People play this to help the creators as well as ENJOY themselves/the game, there is very little enjoyment in waiting 20minutes for you to complete a round.


    A) Just because an exploit will soon be fixed, this does not give everyone free reign to use it as much as possible until it is fixed.

    B) Lies, plain and simple, as i said earlier you did this same thing to me a week ago and I just watched you do it to another player, is it no surprise to you that people resign the match within the 1st, 2nd round of matchign with you? you are abusing a known glitch, which I believe is reportable and offensive.

    C) LoS (firestorm you state) cards have counterplay (resilent armor, dodges, healing, etc) what you are doing has zero counter play. Please dont compare the two as if they are the same. Alsocantrip isn't even considered powerful right now, they are actually working on adding MORE cantrip to the game.
  4. ttsukasa

    ttsukasa Mushroom Warrior

    The purpose of beta is to play the game so that the developers can smooth out the aspects of the game from a closed pool of players before releasing it to a much larger pool of players. It isn't to abuse a known exploit and create an unpleasant environment willingly for the community around you just because you're a) curious, b) others are doing it, c) want to win.

    I understand you've obtained grasp of something powerful that lets you win almost every game you play (unless someone rolls the wildcard whirldwind in their first hand). and that you want to string it along for all that it's worth, but please understand the negative impact that doing so has on the community and the players you play against. Do you really believe there is anything enjoyable about pressingpass 40 times? This is how you give a game a bad name before it even has a chance.
  5. DevourKing

    DevourKing Kobold

    I never said I haven't been running the 3 priests deck for awhile, I only stated that was my first infinite draw. My deck can and does lose. As I do understand a negative impact on newer players, I would suggest the same negativity occurs if you don't own very powerful cards yourself. If that is the case, matchmaking is the fault. You probably haven't run into a mass fireball deck yet, but, that also leaves a sour taste if you aren't aptly prepared for the situation.
  6. dmar314

    dmar314 Goblin Champion

    No worries guys, I have been testing three priests infinite draw too a bit and you can still do it with altruism instead of talented healer, it's just a little less reliable (although it still works even if altruism trigger fails many times). Long live infinite draw! That said, it really is better for people to catch this stuff in beta. I wouldn't be too hard on DevourKing for doing this, it'll take a lot of people winning games with infinite draw to convince the devs to change it, due to the data-based approach. So people who abuse infinite draw now are fighting the good fight (in a way).
    Zureiya and Kilopip like this.
  7. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Naming and shaming on the forums is bad form keep it to PM's or take it up with devs and mods or simply use the report button in game. That said beta is exactly the right place to abuse everything and anything you can find to make it perfectly clear that its broken. If you disagree with his approach to testing then simply don't test with him as you lose absolutely nothing since there is nothing to gain in a beta that will reset.
    Jayce, DevourKing and Kilopip like this.
  8. Jotun

    Jotun Mushroom Warrior

    And the developers are supposed to magically know what cards are unbalanced without players actually using those cards?

    The whole point of beta is to give a limited pool of players the chance to find unbalanced game mechanics and showcase to the developers they are so. Knowing how a current unbalance works helps provide players with better opportunities to identify other ones that comes up latter. Infinite or large draw is going to be a thing to look out for. Trying to understand how they work so that you can better look out for them is nothing of an issue.

    Stop getting butthurt over a video game.
  9. xyceres

    xyceres Kobold

    To be fair being upset over this particular build is kinda reasonable. It's a really good combo deck what I'd be interested in seeing is how does the Touch Of Death spell match up against it. at first thought I'd assume really well but the number of blocks you draw and range could mess with it.

    Obviously if it is too powerful (and consistent) post patch it'll need to be balanced somehow even if touch of death is amazing against it.
  10. ttsukasa

    ttsukasa Mushroom Warrior

    If you're not informed of the entire issue please don't post misinformation. We (me and devourking) both have KNOWN of the exploit as well as the developers for awhile now, they've been in the process of fixing it /finding a fix for it and it is being fixed today. I am a game programmer and i know that testers find exploits/mechanics to help programmers smooth out their games, this isn't' news. My issues with devourking is he's continued to use said exploit after the devs said they were resolving it, after it was made obvious that it was an unbalanced game mechanic, after it was obviously proven to create negative experiences for other players. he is simply abusing an exploit that he read about here, he isn't discovering anything or posting additional information about anything or trying to help testers in any way shape or form possible.

    I faced dmar314 who used a similar deck (unlimited cards) at hte start of the duel he stated what he was doing, gathering info on how powerful it was, we played, after which i told him I would help him with the testing of the deck and we did a few customs to see how powerful it would be (without talented healer). I have nothing against beta testing and looking for exploits. My complaint is that for 2 weeks, DevourKing has spammed that negative experince deck around making others either a) rage quit, b) quit out of boredom, c) lose after 20minutes of him drawing his entire deck from 3 characters twice, or d) get a lucky tornado on first hand.
  11. Blindsight

    Blindsight Ogre

    They are informed as they need to be. It's beta. These things are expected.

    You are talking like no new information can be gained from testing something that is already known to be broken, yet talented healer gave rise to other, non talented healer based decks. There will always be people who want to abuse the system as much as they can. In beta they are a boon to the system, let them do their thing. When it's fixed they will turn to the next most abusive deck...just like we need them to.
    Ryahes and Jayce like this.
  12. ttsukasa

    ttsukasa Mushroom Warrior

    *nods* You're right
    Jayce likes this.
  13. DevourKing

    DevourKing Kobold

    There's a spy in our midst! You've seen all my games for a week and and half/Hark!

    Tornado's are easy to acquire if geared correctly; I believe you could get 9 Whirlwind Enemies with 4 Whirlwind, and then even have 4 Winds Of War (give or take replacing an arcane item). And, the deck you played against hasn't won a deck that uses these cards.

    So for all you're objections of me not providing a good beta experience, I will give some incite:- I only have one Talented Healer within the entirety of the team. Using the item Pious Healer, combining the effect of Altruism, giving the potential of a double-draw on all heals played, that is how it worked against you.
  14. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

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