Whirlwind isn't fun and adds too much luck to the game

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Forlorn, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. Blindsight

    Blindsight Ogre

    Which is only as good of movement, or worse than the step attacks used. So step attack, pushback, step attack again... that, I've found, isn't much of a counter. Wait till they get close and step attack, then whirlwind is. If it was just a maze effect, I don't think it would work well for even that and would be reserved for getting people off of victory squares.
  2. Forlorn

    Forlorn Orc Soldier

    The problem I have with whirlwind is the luck factor, above everything. It's totally OP compared to most bronze wizard cards, but upping the value of whirlwind enemies to silver or gold doesn't change much except it's frequency that it appears on cards.

    Far more important is the random luck factor. Sometimes you use whirlwind enemies and they go nowhere. Other times it sends their one wizard right next to your warrior for a kill. Any card that can get you a kill at the start of the game, with no line of sight, is simply broken. The luck aspect is not a good way to balance this card. Luck is not fun. If people wanted random luck all the time, they would go play a slot machine.

    Card games should be all about eliminating luck as much as possible. It should come down to skill and tactics first and foremost. The luck of the draw adds some excitement to the game but that's as far as luck should go. Otherwise people will not feel satisfied if they win or lose just because of random luck cards like whirlwind or whirlwind enemies.

    My opinion on this remains unchanged. Whirlwind and whirlwind enemies should only have a mass maze effect, of moving people 1 or 2 squares. It should be used to get wizards out of a jam or move people out of LOS, but it shouldn't be able to move one character from one side of the map next to the other side of the map next to your warrior.

    I'll never forget the time when I cast volcano, moved all of my characters off the lava squares, and saw that my opponent only moved one of his characters off the lava squares. He then cast whirlwind enemies, and one of my wizards flew across the map and landed on the ONE lava square that he managed to move off of. My wizard was on the other side of the map and surrounded by 1 priest and 2 wizards. He was killed by the next round. My gold quality volcano card, which I had been saving the entire round with careful management of my move cards was countered by a single bronze card.

    Think of how ridiculous that scenario is and then imagine, if myself, as a hardcore player, finds this to be extremely lame and cheap, what a regular casual player would think of this card. The amount of effort it takes to counter this card is not proportionate to the effort to simply spam a bronze card with infinite range. A regular player would quit out of frustration almost immediately.
    PorridgeGolem, progammer and Ryahes like this.
  3. Blindsight

    Blindsight Ogre

    I think I've come the conclusion that I'd like to see WWE removed from the game and Whirlwind moved up to at least Gold and found on fewer items. Maze effect or not, while I don't want to remove panic button-like abilities from the game entirely, I'd like them to be rare enough that you can't stack them to create a strategy that is simply to destroy all other strategy and rely on luck to win.
    Ineptie likes this.
  4. Methyl

    Methyl Kobold

    I'll also share my concern about this whirlwind card. You've played carefully for three turns and getting the upperhand by superior positioning, Blocking enemy paths, getting your big guns in line to start pounding. Suddenly enemy drops one card and the whole game is obsolete if you happen to pick to short straw. Either your slow dwarf warrior you already pumped dozen of movement cards to get in range is thrown back to the start line or your mage is alone between the whole enemy team.

    Telekinsis, muscle trough, damaging slide/push cards are all good. You can prepare for those and play accordingly.

    Seriously, one card that requires no line of sight which can determine the outcome of the whole game and throw down the drain halv the game of careful planning.

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