Card cycling?

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by CreakLiege, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. CreakLiege

    CreakLiege Kobold

    Would it be possible for each class to have a unique card cycling ability? Like warriors could discard multiple non-attack cards to get a attack card, healers for heal spells, mages for the same? Maybe sac multiple cards to make your next guaranteed move card be replaced with one?
  2. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    There were a set of cards that did things like:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    But these are no longer attached to any current items in the game.
    Lance likes this.
  3. CreakLiege

    CreakLiege Kobold

    I meant more as a ability, not a card.
  4. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Definitely not no ability things its a card game. Requesting the cycling cards back on the other hand i would be very interested in.
  5. Lockon

    Lockon Mushroom Warrior

    Not sure that the attack, block and armor ones should be brought back. All of those are a raw +1 with no real cost. If they are brought back, they'd need some hefty drawbacks on any item with them on it. I mean, I've had that Attack skill used on me in the campaign, and I have to say it is a *****.(Ironically, I've only seen it used by dogs.)
  6. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    its actually not a +1 with no drawback as if you fail to find it you don't get it and you could possibly discard your best cards.
  7. Lockon

    Lockon Mushroom Warrior

    But the chances of that are so low, especially in Attack Skill's case, that it's almost a non-issue. And discarding cards in this game isn't that big a deal as deck out is non-issue.
  8. xienwolf

    xienwolf Goblin Champion

    Yeah, the attack skill in a deck which ignores defense on an elf (who already has ample movement) would be pretty insane. Same with the magic on a long range caster. Chances are low you discard anything, and what you do discard you didn't want anyway because the deck is focused.

    The defense ones on the other hand... those could REALLY hurt you, but if you need blocks/armor... it is worth it.
  9. Blindsight

    Blindsight Ogre

    Actually I think this could be a valid way to take care of the problem people seem to have with the game. I could see it working and don't see a lot of room for abuse, just a little more consistency to the decks. It would favor card drawing a lot though.

    A warrior having the ability to discard 3 non attack cards for an attack, wizard 3 non magic cards for a magic card, and a priest 3 non move cards for a move or 3 non heals for a heal perhaps?
    CreakLiege likes this.
  10. Nolan Murphy

    Nolan Murphy Kobold

    I think magic in the air was used on me in mp. Not sure.
  11. progammer

    progammer Ogre

    It is a card that is used by a monster in SP, not MP. Some spark shooting wyvern iirc.

    I'd love for more deck cycling card, even if it is for very niche (not generic magic or armor etc...). Deck cycling is the trademark of any card game.
  12. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    It could still possibly appear in ai decks, they're basically built as monster decks.
  13. Lance

    Lance Goblin Champion

    Those were the days.
  14. Nolan Murphy

    Nolan Murphy Kobold

    Yeah, it was the first time the game made me go against Karen I think, who was a higher rating than mom >.>

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