Mechanics Terminology

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Overseer76, Aug 9, 2013.

  1. Overseer76

    Overseer76 Kobold

    Game Design issue:

    Maybe I'm not seeing this right, but I'm having a hard time understanding some of the terminology in the card mechanics.

    For example, the Bruiser card grants a bonus to "any Bash" you play. Is this referring to cards that create crushing damage, or just cards with Bash in the name? I assumed the former because I only have access to one card with Bash in its name and no idea if there are more, but (as I write this), I'm beginning to think it's the latter.

    My point is that it's unnecessarily confusing to new players considering Spark Generator triggers on electrical damage, which has nothing to do with the card's name. I'm not saying that these Trait cards should all work the same, but Bruiser could be more specific.


    Actual question:

    I also don't understand why some cards have shiny title bars. Is this some kind of "best of class" indicator?
  2. MadHab

    MadHab Kobold

    Agreed. The bonus cards shoud use the same terminology as the attack cards. Having several people from Magic the Gathering on the dev team, I don't understand how could they make this stuff unnecessarily confusing...

  3. maurtheus

    maurtheus Kobold

    It gives the relative strength of the card.
    For an example, in general case, a silver card should be weaker than a gold card and a gold card should be weaker than a green card. You can see the actual rating level on their help page.

    Edit : Should have given you the link.
  4. xophnog

    xophnog Mushroom Warrior

    The confusion with how the martial buffs and arcane buffs work is an issue that many people have pointed out. I'm not sure if the developers have made any official statements about what they are doing (if anything) to address this.

    On the plus side, if you play the game for a few days you will get a pretty clear understanding of what gets buffed by what. On the minus side, confusion like this might turn some people off the game before they give it a few days, especially since this is a Free-to-play game, which brings a whole boat load of negative expectations and connotations.
  5. MadHab

    MadHab Kobold

    What's puzzling to me is how easily this could have been avoided:

    - Buff: Crushing attacks you make deal +1 damage.
    - Attack XYZ: Crushing.

    That's it. Why they chose to use different terms on each type of card is beyond me...

  6. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    The problem with this is that it would buff a lot of cards they don't want buffed (like Obliterating Bludgeon). The way they're doing it is confusing, but you just have to remember to check card name, types, and rule text to see what applies. Note that the shop/inventory filters will check all those places, so you can use those to search.
  7. Keyser

    Keyser Goblin Champion

    This is a repeated source of confusion, but I think it could just be cleared up by Gary early on. If something buffs bashes, then the word "bash" needs to be on the card. Where I think people get confused is that bash and bludgeon are similar, as are penetrating and piercing.
    Stefan likes this.
  8. karadoc

    karadoc Hydra

    Apparently "bash" cards use the term "slide-back" rather than "bash". Perhaps all this would be clearer if "slide-back" was simply renamed to "bash". The word "bash" isn't as descriptive as "slide-back", but at least then it would be consistent. Alternatively, the bonuses on Bruiser et al could use the term "slide-back" - but that runs the risk of not sounding as cool..

    It took me quite a while to work out why Spark Generator boosted the damage of some of my magical attacks and not others. ie. it took me awhile to work out the difference between 'arcane' damage and 'electrical' damage - but that stuff is actually written on the cards, so I think that's as clear as it needs to be.
  9. Lockon

    Lockon Mushroom Warrior

    Or it could say "All cards with "Bash" in their name deals 2 extra damage." Seriously, when Yu-gi-oh is less confusing with its wording, you have a problem.
    MadHab likes this.

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