Game Text Bugs

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Dugrim, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    This generally means your computer is using a font that doesn't have the fancy curly apostrophe being used. Though I would have expected Flash to enforce standard fonts...

    Speaking of fonts missing apostrophes:
  2. Dranwyr

    Dranwyr Kobold

    I would agree, except that I have seen apostrophes in other string resources in the same objects (i.e., GM speech), so I don't think that's exactly it.
  3. RogueJello

    RogueJello Kobold

    Highway Robbery #3 Forest Wagon

    Original Text: They clearly intend to return, for that have left it guarded by a huge Goblin Hulk.

    Suggestion: that->they
  4. RogueJello

    RogueJello Kobold


    Issue with the Warden Gorald text.

    Attached Files:

  5. Draginfaerie

    Draginfaerie Kobold

    After beating the first battle in Slub'Guts Sanctum, the text under Aftermath has Slub'Gut without an apostrophe.

    Card Hunter Aftermath Text Bug.png
  6. RogueJello

    RogueJello Kobold

    Aftermath of 3 battle in Throne of Strench. weild is the word used, should be wield.
  7. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    black oak-t4.5.png

    Which is an odd thing to say right before fighting the Oak Tree King (fourth battle of Black Oaken Heart).
  8. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Consider the context, what Gary's been saying in the rest of the module:
  9. RogueJello

    RogueJello Kobold

    Compass of Xorr - 1st aftermath "emerging from the cellars diredctly into the kitchens"
  10. RogueJello

    RogueJello Kobold

    Compass of Xorr - 3 Library
    "Your path is block by a fierce Mercenary is on guard duty,"

    Seems like it should be "Mercenary who is on guard duty,"
  11. Dranwyr

    Dranwyr Kobold

    3rd Battle text for the Throne of Strench module, there's a line that says, "Within is the Trog King King, Strench the Pungent, flanked..."

    I think the text should either be "the Trog King, King Strench..." (comma displaced), or remove the extra King.

    King king!.jpg
  12. Dranwyr

    Dranwyr Kobold

    Also, in the same place, the GM Text says "Wo, sorry for being such a flake tonight..."
    Does he mean "Whoa"?
  13. Dranwyr

    Dranwyr Kobold

    Lord Staffords Treasure module title, should be Lord Stafford's Treasure.
    On battle 3, the module text reads "Finally, you come face to face with ther infamous Lord Stafford."
  14. Scott

    Scott Kobold

    Ruby Demon Portal, final round. There's only one fire imp, he's a single "Fire Imps"
  15. Dranwyr

    Dranwyr Kobold

    The Viscous Tombs, aftermath of battle 2, "The tight confines test your endurance and claustrophobia andi t is with great regret..."

  16. Dranwyr

    Dranwyr Kobold

    And the aftermath of battle 3: "...and it is a simple matter to climb through it to the surface and beging the march..."

  17. Dranwyr

    Dranwyr Kobold

    Garnet Demon Portal - Battle 3 module text: "The third room, like the first two rooms, feature asymmetrical patterns in it's construction."

    No apostrophe should be present in "its" when using the possessive.

    Also, the immediate following sentence is a fragment: "This time in the form of forboding piles of bones."

    And the final sentence, "Their hiss and leap to the fray,..."; "Their" should probably be "They".

    Ach, mein grammar!.jpg
  18. Dranwyr

    Dranwyr Kobold

    Garnet Demon Portal Aftermath 4 module text: "An unholy keening sound emanates from behind it, which stops abrubtptly as you heave to rolling ..."

    "abruptly" is the word you want.
  19. Dranwyr

    Dranwyr Kobold

    When Against the Cockroaches comes available (after the completion of Garnet Demon Portal), the GM Text from Gary says "I'm getting a bit more confident with this GM-ing stuff <PLAYERNAME>"

    There needs to be punctuation at the and, right after the player name token.
  20. Dranwyr

    Dranwyr Kobold

    Against the Cockroaches, Aftermath 1 module text, "...a foul and unnatural addition to the citys ecosystem."

    Possessive; add apostrophe, "city's".

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