Possible Drops in Campaign Levels

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Boozie, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. Boozie

    Boozie Kobold

    I was wondering how the item drops are determined for any given level. Is it any item with max level being set at the level of the dungeon? So on a level 10 dungeon, I can get up to a level 10 common through legendary? Do all items have a chance of dropping (if they meet the level requirements)?

    What about the epic reward items, is that only found in that dungeon the one time?
  2. progammer

    progammer Ogre

    Item drop's level are determined by the level of the campaign module. However, you can always get item a few level above your module (due to item's intro level being lower than its own level). There are legendary and epic of all level range. As long as level requirement are met, you have a shot at them.

    The epic item reward for those pizza dungeon are guaranteed. That means you will always got them when you beat it. You can always get more if it randomly drop in any other dungeon.
    Tasmanian Devil and Boozie like this.
  3. Boozie

    Boozie Kobold

    Okay thanks for the answers.
  4. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Guaranteed the first time you finish it. And I've gotten three of the rewards even though I've never unlocked any of the treasure hunts (but not yet the one I actually want).
  5. Boozie

    Boozie Kobold

    Is there like some super efficient level to grind to try and get epic and legendary drops that don't cost tokens? I'm on the very last level which I think I should be able to beat, so I'm trying to figure out what to go back and do while attempting quests.
  6. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    I was grinding for gold last week and did all the level 1-3 dungeons every day, sometimes going up through level 6. If you want to do just one, I'd suggest putting together a no-token kit and just trying each to see which one is easiest with what you already have.

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