[Bug?] Losing Resistant Hide

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Stefan, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. Stefan

    Stefan Mushroom Warrior

    I am trying to workout why I lost my Wizards Resistant Hide in the last combat of the level 14 Adventure with the Demons and the Fire Sprites. I was standing on Acid Terrain from said Demon after killing him I find that I take damage from what I think is the Acid Terrain and go onto lose the Resistant Hide.
    Am I wrong to think that Resistant Hide should have stoped that damage?
    Nothing happen in the Discard Phase, but the third last line says that the Resistant Hide is discarded?
    Without this armour a Wizard has no chance, btw I did not cast any curses on any of my characters.

    (Stefan),RoomID=86477,Event=TriggerSucceed,Trigger=Resistant Hide,TriggeringActor=Ironraven,AffectedActors=,TriggerType=PreDamage,TriggerLocation=Hand
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Citrine Portal,Room=CIDP (Stefan),RoomID=86477,Msg=Ironraven took 0 damage
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Citrine Portal,Room=CIDP (Stefan),RoomID=86477,Msg=Attaching Flame Spit to Ironraven
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Citrine Portal,Room=CIDP (Stefan),RoomID=86477,Msg=The active player is now Stefan
    BATTLE LOG: Player=Stefan,Scenario=Citrine Portal,Room=CIDP (Stefan),RoomID=86477,Event=PlayAction,Action=Run,Instigator=Ironraven,Targets=
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Citrine Portal,Room=CIDP (Stefan),RoomID=86477,Player=Stefan,Actor=Ironraven,Event=Move,Origin=(4, 5),StartFacing=(0, 1),Destination=(5, 4),EndFacing=(1, 0)
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Citrine Portal,Room=CIDP (Stefan),RoomID=86477,Msg=The active player is now Gary
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Citrine Portal,Room=CIDP (Stefan),RoomID=86477,Msg=Gary passed.
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Citrine Portal,Room=CIDP (Stefan),RoomID=86477,Msg=The active player is now Stefan
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Citrine Portal,Room=CIDP (Stefan),RoomID=86477,Msg=Stefan passed.
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Citrine Portal,Room=CIDP (Stefan),RoomID=86477,Msg=All players passed, action phase complete.
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Citrine Portal,Room=CIDP (Stefan),RoomID=86477,Msg=Scoring Phase: initiated
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Citrine Portal,Room=CIDP (Stefan),RoomID=86477,Msg=Discard Phase: initiated
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Citrine Portal,Room=CIDP (Stefan),RoomID=86477,Msg=Turn Complete
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Citrine Portal,Room=CIDP (Stefan),RoomID=86477,Msg=Starting round 4
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Citrine Portal,Room=CIDP (Stefan),RoomID=86477,Event=Attachment Phase Initiated
    BATTLE LOG: Player=Stefan,Scenario=Citrine Portal,Room=CIDP (Stefan),RoomID=86477,Event=TriggerSucceed,Trigger=Acid Spray,TriggeringActor=[Null],AffectedActors=Ironraven,TriggerType=StartTurn,TriggerLocation=SquareAttachment
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Citrine Portal,Room=CIDP (Stefan),RoomID=86477,Msg=ServerSelectCardsCommand::instruct selected card Resistant Hide
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Citrine Portal,Room=CIDP (Stefan),RoomID=86477,Group=Ironraven,Event=Discard,Card=Resistant Hide
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Citrine Portal,Room=CIDP (Stefan),RoomID=86477,Msg=Ironraven took 3 damage
    BATTLE LOG: Player=Stefan,Scenario=Citrine Portal,Room=CIDP
  2. funny

    funny Mushroom Warrior

    acid terrain discards all armor. resistant hide is armor.
  3. Stefan

    Stefan Mushroom Warrior

    I am basing my statement on it stats/text.
    Name: Resistant Hide [​IMG]
    Quality: Good (4/7)
    Rarity: Common
    Color Class: Armor
    Reaction 1: Armor 2. This Armor always prevents all damage from Acid, Poison, Electricity or Fire.
    Chance: 66.67%
    Keep: Yes

    Based on the above statement Acid Terrain has to do Acid damage, so there for it should have saved.
  4. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    The Acid terrain effects resolve first against your armour, it will walk through all of your hand, discarding any armour card it meets. Note this is not damage, it is a discard effect.
    It will then apply any damage to your character from the terrain now your armour is gone.
    Acid seems to be a special case as it works via indirect terrain effects rather than direct damage.

    I agree that this is illogical from a straight read of the description and I wonder if the same things happen with Wall of Fire / Lava Terrain? I remember that this armour shrugs off "direct damage" from Fireballs, Firestorm and their residual burns.
  5. xwf

    xwf Kobold

    I can confirm that Resistant Hide prevents all damage from lava terrain (from Hot Spot / Wall of Fire / Volcano) but not from acid terrain, because it gets discarded first. This is not a bug, but works as intended imho.
    skip_intro likes this.
  6. Dwedit

    Dwedit Goblin Champion

    In order to stop so many people from posting this exact same thread, it should say on the card "Acid terrain will still destroy this."
    skip_intro likes this.
  7. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    There is confusion as the card states it prevents Acid damage, which it cannot as all existing Acid Attacks are terrain modifiers, which resolve differently. A better wording would be to remove the Acid reference altogether.
  8. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    There's a little more complexity. Acid Spray does 3 Acid damage and THEN creates Terrain. Dissolve Armor also discards your Armor card, but it does 1 Acid damage first.
  9. Zalminen

    Zalminen Hydra

    Actually I'd say the problem is just that the text for Acid Terrain is the wrong way around. See Acid Blast for example:
    How it actually works is that the discard effect comes first and damage only after that.

    If the Acid Terrain text was corrected, it would be immediately obvious that Resistant Hide won't protect against that damage.
  10. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Speaking of "immediate" . . . I feel this word is important. I think it should say "Stop. At the start of each round, occupant IMMEDIATELY discards all armor cards and then takes 3 Acid damage." (Though without the capitalization.) This would bring it in line with expectations from cards like Staggering Blow and War Cry.
    Zalminen likes this.
  11. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre


    My understanding of all Acid cards, including the one above, is that they will only damage you if you're standing on them. If you have Hover and Resistant Hide, will you take damage from Acid Spray? I think not and you'll keep the armour card as well, I think.
  12. Stefan

    Stefan Mushroom Warrior

    Maybe it should read something along this way.
    This Armour only prevents all damage from Acid, Poison, Electricity or Fire in combat rounds?
  13. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    No, because it also prevents Burning damage between rounds.

    The Hide is fine as written; it's the Acid terrain that needs to clearly state that it destroys armor before dealing damage.
  14. Unlucky Scarecrow

    Unlucky Scarecrow Goblin Champion

    You'll notice that the bottom left corner has a damage value, whereas Acid Blast does not; Both attacks create the terrain effect, and 3 damage is an inherent effect of that terrain, but Acid Spray will deal an additional 3 damage at the time of casting (For 6 total, if the character stays in the terrain). However, the armor discard effect is a property of the terrain generated and not the attack itself, so armor can still prevent the initial 3 damage.
  15. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    Yes, Scarecrow, you're correct, as is Sir Knight ( as is almost always the case ) :oops:
    Phaselock likes this.

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