Shopping vs. Your Keep

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by cxc491, Jul 11, 2013.

  1. cxc491

    cxc491 Kobold

    So I did something stupid, so I'd definitely like thoughts on my stupidity and to see if this has already been discussed:

    I was shopping around in the rarities store after turning in some treasure and had over 500 gold. I dragged a pair of 500 gold boots over to my priest, thus purchasing them and now being 500 gold lighter. I then dragged these pair of boots back to the shop-keeper's screen, sending the boots back to him and receiving, in return, gold that was MUCH less than 500 gold (the original purchase price). I totally bonked! I think my sleep-deprived brain thought I was back in my keep or something.

    Has this issue been discussed? I was thinking maybe there should be a fail-safe against this . . . maybe a message that pops up that says "You just bought these stupid . . . you sure you want to immediately sell them back to me for a 10th of the cost?"
  2. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Sorry, the plan is to allow you to exchange items for the same amount until you leave the shop. It's on my to-do list.
  3. cxc491

    cxc491 Kobold

    No worries Jon. Glad to see it's on the to-do list. I'm sure that list is pretty LONG at this point :)

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