[Suggestion] AI using cards outside of deck design.

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Phaselock, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    There appears to be a whole class of bugs related to transferring and using cards between player's chars and/or the AI. Card transfers/use between player chars that result in crashes are outright bugs. Card transfers/use between chars and the AI with the AI needing to know how to use each card really pushes the envelope. Pickpocket and Duck are the primary culprits. Pickpocketing cards that require an deck arbitration process (aka, battlefield training, advanced battlefield training, leadership, lateral thinking, forward thinking etc) for use raises the question of: Do we want to tackle this problem now ?

    While it is clearly forseeable that future minions may very well be designed with pure discard/mill/use-opponent-cards-against-you decks, is that intended for release ? Perhaps, it might be better to slate it as an expansion with the thief class. Which leads me to suggesting an interim solution: Create an exception list (c.f. above) and make the AI force discard of said cards ... until the AI codebase can handle the possible infinite mill mechanic, that is. Thoughts ?
    funny and skip_intro like this.
  2. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    I agree with all of your points. A 'force discard' would solve the issue, whilst still leaving the goddarn War Monkey deck as a major annoyance. :eek:
    Phaselock likes this.
  3. funny

    funny Mushroom Warrior

    Would be an easy solution to a very difficult (i guess) problem. And with a slight advantage to the human player, better to see the card destroyed than let it fall into the hands of the enemy.
  4. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    I think it's basically down to setting ai rules for all cards - and just having a "don't play"/discard clause for cards that doesn't contain this information - not sure it even requires a list? Either way, sounds like a good solution unless they can manage to get all of them ready for ai use pretty damn fast.

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