Let's introduce ourselves!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Zenebar, Jul 21, 2011.


Which "class" do you align with the most?

  1. Warrior

  2. Rogue

  3. Wizard

  1. Soldan

    Soldan Kobold

    Greetings, I would just like to say hello to all my fine opponents.
  2. Soldan

    Soldan Kobold

    I agree... this would do very well. Booster packs could be an item and the corresponding cards to go with it.
  3. Caenub

    Caenub Kobold

    Buddy of mine got into this beta and wants me to test it out with him.
    Long time poxnora player - said I would check it out.
    Certainly looks like the right blend of cards/chessboard movements that I'm always game for. =)
  4. toborprime

    toborprime Kobold

    Hi everybody!

    Played through all the tutorial modules and I think I'm in the game proper now. Very excited to dig deeper and try out the pvp stuff. I've always been a fan of mini games like Hero Quest, Warhammer, WH40k, etc. and other dungeon crawlers, as well as card games like Magic the Gathering, so this was a no-brainer! Many many thanks to a friend of mine who introduced me to this!
  5. Imbecile

    Imbecile Kobold

    Hi all,

    Been playing this for a week or so now and its great. I live in Bristol in the UK, love to travel, and like playing games of all types (computer, sports, board, card). I also help design and test Shadowfist (best multiplayer ccg in my opinion ;)).
  6. bjosarn

    bjosarn Kobold

    On the interwebz I go by the name of "bjosarn" (don't ask me why, or do - I don't mind!), 27 years of age and I've built my castle in the northern part of Europe - Sweden. I see myself as somewhat of a veteran dungeon crawler/RPG player who started off with Dungeons & Dragons in the mid 90's. Now days I mostly play dungeon crawler boardgames with classics like Descent (2nd edition is god like, but of course I own both), and also the bit different Mage knight. When one of my friends got time we throw out the board and pieces of War of the Ring for some up-to-date RISK/RPG fun.

    I just heard of Card Hunter, and signed up for the beta as soon as my eyes could focus on "sign up". Can't wait to get my hand on this - looks really promising.

    Sorry if my grammar are abit off - I get to hear that from time to time.
  7. Moanerette

    Moanerette Kobold

    I got in the beta yesterday. I'm a Londoner whose most-played game is Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup. Yes, I like free games!
  8. Abadonn

    Abadonn Kobold

    Hi all from Ireland.
  9. Fruit Seller

    Fruit Seller Kobold

    I Sell Fruits. But I'm usually out of stock.
  10. Jesse

    Jesse Kobold

    Hello all!

    My name's Jesse!

    I used to work as a contract QA tester for namcobandai and EA.
    I'll be completely honest though, I'm not here to bug test and do QA, I just want to play the game because it looks fun :) But if I do enjoy the game immensely you can bet your dice rolls that I'll share my good times with hundreds of others on my favorite gaming forums the c-rpg, mod of mount & blade warband!!!
    Always wanted to play dungeons and dragons but I never did get into it with a good group of people. This looks like the next best thing!
    I was just about to buy Mojang's "Scrolls" but I heard someone say this was much better in a small review, so I checked out the website and some trailers and fell in love!

    Please gimme key or accept my beta application!!! :p
    All my monster slaying henceforth will be done in thy honor!
  11. Hops099

    Hops099 Kobold

    Hi all,

    Was sitting in the barbershop today an picked up a gaming magazine which had an article on Card Hunter. Needless to say I became very interested and signed up for beta immediately upon coming home!

    Very excited to see a game like this in the works! Can't wait to play!

  12. JysusCryst

    JysusCryst Kobold

    Hi everyone! My name is JysusCryst. I just found out about this a little while ago and I can't wait to get it on it. I'll probably end up supporting it if I really like it. I love giving money to game devs to keep doing what they do!
    As for the class I chose, I ended up going with Rogue, just because I like the fast moving utility characters. When playing table-top games IRL I usually end up playing either a medic/healer or a sneak/rogue. Gotta love the versatility in them.

    Speaking of other games I play, I've been a huge TCG gamer over a decade now. I've played MtG semi-competitively for a while. Not having the cash and playing with some of the top ranked players in the state every weekend kinda killed it for me though. Then there are the non-trading card games like Munchkin, Thunderstone, Gloom, etc which I play regularly. I also play a LOT of table top games. Luckily my neighbors are also huge gamers, so I'm never not in a game. We're just finished a Shadowrun campaign and I started a small side game with one of the other regulars. We're getting ready to play a nice Pathfinder game now. Really looking forward to that! So in short, I have a TON of experience when it comes to games like this, and I can't wait to start doing some PVP on Card Hunter!

    Well, that's about it for now, so I hope to see you all in game soon!
  13. Black Raven

    Black Raven Hydra

    From Down Under.

    Got the Beta Key recently and have been playing Card Hunter for a bit. Nice game.
  14. Jen

    Jen Kobold

    Hey, I'm Jen. :) I just got a beta key from someone on my Facebook list who posted on Cardhunter's post about people posting their keys. (Yay for stalking public posts. haha :p)

    I've really enjoyed what I have played so far. I was having trouble on a level 2 boss, but I finally beat him earlier today. I love games where you can increase your skills and levels, so yeah, I got instantly hooked. lol
  15. Mithos

    Mithos Kobold

    Hello all, I'm from Abu Dhabi. I got to know about this game from The Verge article and registered instantly to the Beta. I'm loving everything about it so far, except the fact that it's still in Beta (I want it NOW!). ​
    I did not play that many trading card games before. I played some famous ones like Pokemon when I was a kid, but never was that big into it (probably because of the community for such games where I live). However, I played some deck building type of games and been enjoying them with friends. ​
  16. Parcimony

    Parcimony Kobold

    Hi everyone,

    Just started playing a couple of days ago and I'm so impressed with how wonderfully the designers have capture the old-school D&D vibe. Seeing the artwork and design of the adventure modules sent me flash-backing to the 80's. The gameplay seems like a lot fun so far.

    If I do have any trepidations, it would have to be towards the f2p model. From my personal experience, I've never spent $$$ on f2p games unless they were a MMO, so I don't know how it will affect my long-term interest in this game. Who knows though, I'm having fun playing now and really haven't felt that gameplay has been hindered by not spending money.

    Still, a great atmosphere that captures the spirit of rpg. Can't wait to keep exploring the game.
  17. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Welcome, new folks!
  18. I am Ryan. Call Me RJ. Or Ryan. But really, RJ. Ryan's good though. No pressure.

    I like games that are fun. I do not like games that continue the theme of banality. I could love a single game in an entire genre, and hate the genre itself, if it's done right. I like Card Hunter.
    Ohayo Gozaimasu.
  19. Snacksmoto

    Snacksmoto Mushroom Warrior

    Hello. I'm a fan of RPGs and used to play D&D and AD&D back in the day though none of the more recent editions. Hearing about this game piqued my interest. Several podcasts claim good things about Card Hunter so I figured I'd sign up. Hopefully I can try out this game myself this weekend.

    Be well and have fun out there.
  20. ShadowKen

    ShadowKen Kobold

    Greetings from Belgium.

    Overall RPG fan and experienced CCG and turn-based strategy player.
    Games I have enjoyed in the past (or still am for some) are MTG, Eye of Judgement, Heroes of Might and Magic or Civilization.
    From the look of things, i'll probably have to add Card Hunter to that list.

    So far i've finished the tutorial and level 2 4 stages of Wizard Workshop, and am impressed with what i've seen so far.

    Looking forward to actual multiplayer when i get a good grip on the different aspects of the game.

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