[Suggestion] Discard move-cards

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by lord_heman, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. lord_heman

    lord_heman Kobold

    Well, as the title says, one should be able to easily discard move-cards.

    As it is now, if I want to get rid of my move-cards (to free card-space for a character, so I would end my turn with 0 cards), I have to manually click my move-cards, then click on the char (to use the move-card, but prevent him from moving), and then choose which direction he should face (which most of the time, is the direction he was already facing).

    Instead of this slow process, it would be nice with some kind of "discard-move-cards"-button. Of course, it should still cost a turn, to discard a move-card.
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Why do you want to end with 0 cards? Unless you have a reason to (like something doing damage by hand size et c) - that doesn't change the start of the next round or draw? Just curious why you'd find it necessary - since having 0 or 2 cards in hand has the same draw.
  3. lord_heman

    lord_heman Kobold

    My thoughts was, that it can be really annoying to get "stuck" with too many move cards.
    It would be nice to mow the move-cards away to free up space, for other cards in future turns.

    But i definitely see your point.
  4. Granitozaurus

    Granitozaurus Kobold

    what free space? you draw 3 cards (1 of which is your racial) every turn no matter how many cards you have and if you have more than 2 cards you have to discard some at the end of each turn.
  5. Blindsight

    Blindsight Ogre

    Also, Some turns you'll want those 4 move cards in one turn.
  6. Svetozar

    Svetozar Kobold

    Well, for one Unholy Energy penalizes the character afflicted it with 2 damage for every non-attack card in it's hand.
  7. Zoorland

    Zoorland Goblin Champion

    Unless you're Halted you can just play those move cards if you really want to get rid of them.
  8. Svetozar

    Svetozar Kobold

    Right, but I think the OP is requesting a time saving feature for when you can legally play them instead of selecting, selecting the tile then choose facing
  9. DragnHntr

    DragnHntr Orc Soldier

    Two clicks is hardly a huge inconvenience when the situations where you would want to lose a turn to discard a move card are so infrequent. If you have more than three cards and you don't want to play them, just end turn and discard them then.

    This card hinges on the fact that you cannot just discard cards whenever you feel like it. It is an intentional built-in part of the game that can be used to balance cards like this.

    In another card game I play, you MUST play a card each turn. Sometimes it is a drawback, but it is a rule of the game used to balance gameplay. Like in mtg, you cannot just sacrifice a creature whenever you want, even if that creature is harming you now more than helping.

    Most of the time you would want to hang on to a couple extra cards anyway, on the off chance it might be useful. More options are always better than no options. In the few situations that more cards would be a drawback, such as the card mentioned, it is a balancing factor to have to spend a turn to get rid of extra cards, either forfeiting playing other cards, or giving up the pass advantage.
  10. lord_heman

    lord_heman Kobold

    Like Svetozar said, my thought was a time-saving feature for it.

    I could also easily imagine several occations, where I would just like to wait a turn, to see what my opponent does - hence, discarding a move card, would skip my turn easily and fast.
  11. Haxzploid

    Haxzploid Ogre

    The best of both worlds would be a "done" button . You always know where the done button is located, this enables you to click it in a speedy fashion. Instead of the tedious clicking of the square beneath your character only to not change facing anyway. So i am sort of with the OP here. Not a huge problem. But the "done" button could be used in more scenarios (unless it affects gameplay that is) So like you currently have a "done" button after making your move on a "move/attack card, inplement a "done" button when playing a move or move/attack card, before making the move?

    The problem is that straight up discarding cards will affect the balance of other cards. This is one example:

    If you discard a movement card to see what opponent will do next turn, Maze of the Mind will not trigger.

    If you play the movement card, with the intention of standing completely still to see what opponent will do next turn, Maze of the Mind will trigger.


    Oh and i love this card btw!! haven't found it in the beta, does it exist?
  12. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

  13. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    I know Jayce used to have an item with it on, but that was probably before the reset - so it was likely (and thankfully) changed - he messed me up pretty bad in mp with that. Probably got changed to a higher item level that's not currently ingame?

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