[Suggestion] A way to start over the campaign

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Tobold, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. Tobold

    Tobold Goblin Champion

    I'm on my third playthrough of the campaign, and I'm missing Gary and his family. :) Instead of having access to all adventures and getting no more story, I would prefer if I could reset the campaign progress to zero, and start over from level 1. I'd like to play through the story again, and follow it from adventure to adventure.

    Now of course I know that there will be a reset before the game goes live and I'll have the opportunity to start over. But I was wondering whether in the long run there shouldn't be a way to reset your campaign and start over (without losing your characters or items). I wouldn't even mind if such a reset would cost some pizza, as that would prevent people from hitting the button "accidentally".
    Pengw1n likes this.
  2. Gerry Quinn

    Gerry Quinn Goblin Champion

    I would like this too.

    I had another similar idea which is that I would enjoy starting over with a new party that have only the gear they find and no access to gear from previous parties. A sort of sub-account, if you will. It would be like a new account except that treasure hunts would already be unlocked, and if you tired of it you could abandon it and dump all characters and treasures found back in the main account.

    It would suit people who want to play the campaign like a single-player game. Again, I would be happy to expend some pizza for this (though it should not be a large amount IMO.) Might be a good way to get some money from people who like to have less rather than more gear!
  3. Huger

    Huger Kobold

    Mind if I ask, about how long did it take you to get through the whole campaign?
  4. Neofalcon

    Neofalcon Goblin Champion

    Perhaps they could just add an option (unchecked by default) along the lines of the "Play dialogue for completed adventures"

    Then you could just check the box, roll a new party, and play through it again.
  5. Tobold

    Tobold Goblin Champion

    I'd say about 3 weeks. I got into the beta 2 months ago. But I haven't measured "hours played", and of course your mileage may vary depending on how many hours you can play each day. I play a bit during weekday evenings and more on weekends.

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