After having played the beta for a couple days here's my feedback: 1) I would like Gary and Melvin to be more present when replaying missions. Currently, replaying a mission is somewhat boring and quiet; I was hoping for some friendly banter (be it making fun of me or complaining that I wanted to replay something they've already GM'ed). 2) Introduce some kind of female character that is NOT a pizza girl. Maybe a new female GM or somebody that acts as your ally against Gary/Melvin. 3) I find myself having to play music in the background because the card hunter music is lacking. Currently all there is during missions is just sound effects. Please add in some background music! 4) When losing a mission multiple times, have the GM give some sort of tactical hint. Could be along the lines of Gary thanking you for not doing X tactic. Overall, this game is really good. I really like the flow of play and how Gary and Melvin lead the campaign. The very first time I sat down to play I didn't stop until after 4 hours! I can see this being a big hit and am proud to be apart of the beta. Keep up the great work!
Interestingly, a bunch of what you're requesting is already in the game. I can't find all the GM hints, but they're totally there after failing the low-level adventures: see the beta update logs for their progress in adding more. The idea of "adding friendly banter" sounds like it could be fun. It also could be annoying for people who want to replay adventures several times: say, being forced to click through a randomized skit when they're just hopping into an old adventure for some quick fun. Still, yes, the game does seem to get quiet and I wonder whether there's a solution. Music: Oh, and play more of the game. Enjoy.
I'm glad to hear that most of what I want is either in the game or planned for it. I understand how the "friendly banter" could get annoying, but not interacting with my GM seems.. odd. Even just a single line of text from them would make it feel more alive. Woo!
So, she's not a pizza girl at the end -- and not sure what you have against Amy -- and Mom is also female so... 2 male 2 female characters!
Hadn't gotten all the way through the game >< I have 2 level 10 teams so far; been playing for about 7 hours. Only female characters so far are the pizza girls