Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by R. Nimbus, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. R. Nimbus

    R. Nimbus Kobold

    So far I like the game play, but I need to be able to read my cards at a glance. I have tried the shortcut that makes them bigger but I am not happy with it. I tried to use my browsers zoom to make all the cards readable but it must be locked out and does not work. In order for me to chose the best card I need to be able to compare all my cards at once. My eye's are not as good as they use to be. Can you give me an option to adjust the card size and change the font to a larger easy to read style.
  2. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    What is your monitor resolution ? Do they appear blur and small even when you are in deckbuild (right-click on item) ? The card previews there are the biggest. Alternatively, you could

    a) Browse the wiki.
    b) Use the Windows Magnifier after right clicking on the cards.
    c) Change resolution.
  3. R. Nimbus

    R. Nimbus Kobold

    1600 x 600
    Even when I right-click a card I find the font hard to read, fancy fonts are nice but readable fonts make better gameplay for me. The way the magnifier splits the screen makes it harder to play. What resolution should I try?
  4. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Wow, nice monitor :p I'm using 1366 x 768, it works for me. Anything smaller tends to clutter the screen.

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